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The Farlands is still accessable in 1.7 release.

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TheNixedOne's Avatar TheNixedOne
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
When I heard that in 1.7 that the farlands was removed, I was a little angry and wanted to see what it looks like now, but that border is blocking the way and is well stupid. But not to worry, such as there is a way to actually get to the Farlands past 1.6 release, but that border is not just thin, no, its infinite, as you get in there in this update and past, you will be stuck, unless doing this in reverse. You think that this is just a joke, its real. The Farlands is still here. It started out when I used the /tp command in 1.7 to teleport me on the x-axis 29,999,999. Past that is the farlands. Curious what is past that wall, I knew that 1.6.2 does not have the border. After going over the unknown bugginess of the farlands where, well, is never solid. Well, going past the border and some other crap, I decided how it would react to 1.7 thinking that I was free to build without a single mob. But I was wrong. The border was thick, I was trapped. The Poor Farlands, It could be a nice sight to see. I got at least one photo to show that this exist on 1.7 release.

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