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The Faction Idea

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hinzal's Avatar hinzal
Level 9 : Apprentice Engineer
Creator: hinzal
By: hinzal, The_Question1
So this is an idea I have off of something Q (The_Question1) told me about.  It was a group of minecrafters on a server stuck in a small aria and they had to survive.  It did not end well, the players ended up fighting over a small 2x2 patch of grass and simple things like saplings.  I wanted to see if a group of people can not just survive but thrive.

So this is where this map comes in. 

I found a seed that spawns you on a large island with a woods and beach suronding it.  The next island is several thousand blocks away so it is extremely
isolated. There are plenty of caves under the island but I only a small mineshaft. 
We will add some more "natral dungeons" and a few custome dungeons for the fun of it.
Since the only trees are oak and birch, there are saplings for all the other trees in chests around the island. We also will build a village because of, well, village. 

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Village is done and complete with a road to no where!

The Faction Idea is ruled by some set rules. 
These are: When the base is set up and anyone dies of a mob attack (in base) then the Idea fails. 
-If someone dies because another player kills them intentionlly (indirectly or directly) the idea fails.
-There needs to be a set faction system (government of any kind)
-and so on (rules to be posted with final map)

I need some more ideas for challenges and rules. Please post below if you have any ideas or sugestions. And of corse leave a diamond if you would like and please spread the word!


Seed for map: 4588692461960925321

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08/17/2014 8:51 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Button Pusher
SleepyDog's Avatar
Just add the new world border to stop people straying to other islands
08/17/2014 10:56 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Engineer
hinzal's Avatar
I dont want to limit players to one island, if anything I will make something to teleport you to new islands.  But the thing I want done with this is not exploration but coroporation. So if players deside to try and find a new island go a head.
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