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The Exploration Update: What's New in Minecraft 1.11?

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Myzo's Avatar Myzo
Level 18 : Journeyman Hunter

1.11 is the next 'big' update for Minecraft. There's a ton of cool new things introduced in this version along with hundreds of bugfixes. Various snapshots have been released and still are being released on a regular basis, but Mojang hasn't announced a release date yet. Let's see what's new in 1.11, shall we?

Woodland Mansions

The Exploration Update: What's New in Minecraft 1.11?

Woodland mansions are brand-new structures found only in the Roofed Forest biome, and they're said to be very rare. They are constructed almost entirely out of various wood planks and cobblestone. Carpets and other decorations can be found inside. There are many different rooms that can be generated, including libraries, checkboard-floored rooms, rooms full of flowers, wheat farms, jails, rooms with a spider spawner, rooms with statues, and even a room with a centerpiece of lava encased in glass and obsidian (with a diamond block hidden in the middle!). In short, they are very interesting structures to explore and provide a welcome change to the otherwise dreary and lacking world of Minecraft structures.

From the outside, they look quite indimidating, and for good reason: they house the two new Illagers, the Evoker and the Vindicator. The Vindicator is a grey-skinned mob almost identical in appearance to a villager, but they are hostile and much more dangerous. They wield an iron axe and deal a lot of damage - 6.5 hearts of damage on Normal! Here's a Vindicator chasing his fair-skinned counterpart:

The Exploration Update: What's New in Minecraft 1.11?

Poor villager. The other mob is the Evoker, who is also grey-skinned and dressed in a robe. This guy has three nasty attacks: he summons 16 fangs in a straight line that snap at anyone in their path, or he summons 13 fangs in two concentric circles around himself for protection, or he summons two to four annoying Vexes - another new mob. This is an Evoker defending himself from a zombie:

The Exploration Update: What's New in Minecraft 1.11?

Ouch. And this is him summoning Vexes:

He makes a squealing sound and emits some smoky rings when he summons Vexes. This is a close-up of a Vex (and you can see the Vindicator posing for the camera in the background):

("Hi, Mom!")

A Vex wields an iron sword and glows red when it's charging at someone. It can fly through the air, slice through liquids, and noclip through walls and blocks when it's after you. Nasty.

If you ever find a mansion, clear the inside of mobs and make it one of your bases. That would be awesome.


There's a new villager type, too: the cartographer. He sells ocean explorer maps and woodland explorer maps, which are really useful. They show the location of ocean monuments and woodland mansions respectively. Great if you don't want to spend a lot of time searching for one or use external tools like Amidst to find them.


Observers are the newest addition to Minecraft's list of redstone components. They are essentially BUD switches in a block - they emit a redstone signal when they detect a block update nearby. Nifty, eh? There are a ton of videos online that make great use of observer blocks. Check them out.

Shulker Boxes

Those useless, annoying Shulkers found at End Cities now finally have a great use: there's a 50% chance that they will drop a shulker shell. Two shells and a chest can be crafted into a Shulker Box, which is a portable chest that keeps the items in it when broken! The chests can even be combined with dyes to give them different colors.

Totems of Undying

The aforementioned Evokers always drop a totem of undying. What's that, you ask? It's essentially an 1-Up - if you have one in your main or off-hand slot and you receive a fatal attack from any mob, you won't die. Instead, the totem will flash in front of your eyes and disappear, and you'll be given one heart, 40 seconds of Regeneration II, and 5 seconds of Absorption II, which is more than enough to escape your assailant.

Spawn Eggs

All the spawn eggs that were removed in 1.10 pre2 are back! Except for the cat egg, that is. Eggs for wither skeletons, strays, husks, elder guardians, donkeys, mules, skeleton horses, and zombie horses can now be used again. 1.11 also adds zombie villager (that only spawn zombie villager farmers), llama, evoker, vex, and vindicator eggs.


Trick your friends by giving them a helmet with a Curse of Binding or Vanishing on it. These two new curse enchantments are sold by villagers and they can be found as loot in chests. They're good for makers of adventure maps.


Introducing the llama: a neutral mob that spits at you if it gets annoyed. No, seriously - they do spit at you. They spawn in extreme hills and savannas and drop leather when killed. You can tame them in the same manner as a horse, and the cool thing is that if one llama starts following you, the rest of the herd forms a caravan and starts playing Follow the Leader. You can equip them with chests to store items, similar to a donkey or horse, and you can right-click them with a carpet on hand to make them look stylish. Llamas can't be ridden, though. They are bred with hay bales.

Return Portals

End gateway portals now randomly generate in the outer End islands. They return you to the main island, naturally. Pretty helpful if you wander too far from the main island and don't feel like walking back.

Exhaustion Revamped

In 1.10 and previous versions, walking and sneaking took a toll on your hunger bar sooner or later. But in 1.11, they have no effect on it. So you could theoretically keep walking everywhere and you wouldn't ever feel hungry. Sprinting, jumping, swimming, attacking - all of these have greatly reduced exhaustion values. The hunger status effects also have less of an impact. Good, eh?

Creeper Explosions

This is a really minor change; I don't even know why I'm mentioning this. But it is pretty cool. If you chuck a splash potion of, say, poison onto a creeper and it blows up, its explosion will now create a lingering effect of poison. This works with any potion effect.

This was in fact initially a suggestion on /r/MinecraftSuggestions by /u/TheDayOfPi, and Jeb implemented it in 1.11.


That's it! Hope you enjoyed this little primer on 1.11. Comments, faves, and diamonds are appreciated. Cheers!

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