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Travis's Avatar Travis
Level 24 : Expert Scribe
“Take this, please, Emily,” he said to me, crying.

“NOO DON’T YOU CAN’T, I WON’T LET YOU!” I screamed hysterically. It was no use. Nothing was of use, we had both been condemned to The End. Nothing could stop that, Brian was sacrificing himself so I could live a little longer. Nothing I did would stop him, he had already done it. He had handed it to me.

I stared at it in my hand. The shiny, smooth, golden metal glistening in the torchlight. The staff. Once one had touched the staff there was nothing they could do, they were condemned to the ultimate end.. When one had it, however, they were protected, at least for a little while from the demons. Brian would still be alive if not for me. He would still have the staff, be protected from the demons, but he gave it to me so that I might live for another 6, perhaps 7 hours.

The cavern smelled of sweat and rotting meat. It was dark, a torch in the center illuminating the area. On each wall started a tunnel, each with a light at the end, each different colors. Behind me; a blue light; a red one in front, yellow to the left, and purple right. I hadn’t a clue which way to go, but it was useless, there was no escape. The dungeon was stage one of the destruction; It’s where you go to be attacked by the demons, and now that I was here I was here to stay.

“Might as well explore,” I thought to myself. It had been nearly half an hour since Brian’s horrifying death. It was like a scene from a horror movie; flesh ripped off by dark, thin figures, almost like stickmen with faces. They would rip off chunks of flesh and eat them, blood streaking down their faces, violently; quickly. All the while shrieking at the top of their lungs. When they were done; nothing was left of Brian, and they disappeared.

I knew my death would be just as terrible; I’d be shredded, eaten alive, then they would just disappear, nobody would know what happened to me, I will have simply disappeared from the world. There was no way to prove anything, especially if I couldn’t escape. That’s when it dawned on me. I was going to escape. I was going to be the first person to escape The End.

The plan started with me finding a way out. I searched all the tunnels and found nothing. I searched all around the walls, still nothing, finally I searched around the Torch and found a pit, with a pillar in the center, holding the torch. Below I could see tunnels, it couldn’t’ve been more than 15 feet, I prepared myself, taking 3 deep breaths, then jumped. I fell, but then I kept falling, the tunnels seemed to have gotten 4, 5 hundred feet farther below, then I noticed it. The mirrors. I had misjudged the distance because I was intended to. I screamed.

I hit the ground with a thud. But I wasn’t hurt infact, I didn’t even feel pain, then I looked up. I saw a demon.

“Bu but but...” I said in freight, as the monster stared intently into my soul. “It’s only been an hour, can’t’ve been more, the staff shou-” I was stopped in my tracks, the staff was on the ground, several feet away. I started to get up, preparing to sprint, when the path was blocked by another demon. I started to dart left, then darted right, juking the first demon, now I had one in pursuit. I decided to run straight at the second one, then I darted right last second. The demons had collided, my plan worked. Finally, running the final stretch, I reached the staff and grabbed it. I held it in my hands, praying that the demons would go away. Then, just as fast as they had appeared, I blinked and they were gone.

I knelt up and looked around. I appeared to be in a cavern even larger than the first one, with 4 tunnels, but this time all 4 had darkness, and there was a torch at the entrance of each. This cavern smelt of sugar and lollipops, however, not of swear or of meat, but of sweet. Regaining my balance, I stood all the way up and began to walk in the direction of the first tunnel. I picked up the torch and started briskly walking through the tunnel. I repeated this with all four tunnels, the dropped down again, again and again, tunnel after tunnel, for 6 levels, then I found it. An exit; The exit, I assumed. It was a forest. I dropped the torch, ran into the light, and smelled the breeze. I knew I had only a few minutes left on the staff, I needed to get away from the terrible place, which I noticed now was a large mountain, perhaps 3 or 4 miles tall.

I was sprinting away when it happened, a mile away, 2, perhaps, when the staff wore off, it went from glistening yellow to a dull, metallic color, and I heard noises.

“The Demons,” I thought to myself “They found me” I knew I couldn’t escape, but I tried all the same. I tried and tried, running faster and faster. Dodging them left and right, nearly running into every tree, until finally, one of them tripped me. It was a slow and agonizing death, as they ripped me up and ate me alive, I watched all of them, my own blood dripping down my face, crying in pain, waiting for darkness and then nothing. Then it came. After about 15 minutes, I died, I felt a sharp pain, saw a light, then nothingness. I was dead. The End had come.

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01/27/2017 12:19 am
Level 22 : Expert Architect
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bwuh its butiful
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