Minecraft Blogs / Review

the discription of dirt

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fluffydemon's Avatar fluffydemon
Level 1 : New Crafter
dirt in minecraft is an expandible resource, that is used for ; building, towering, wall making and more. dirt is not to be taken not serious because it can save your's and, other minecraft player lives.

there fore dirt is one of the most useful and cheapest blocks in the entire game.
Dirt is so useful that even pro's use dirt .
we all now that dirt looks ugly but you can use a texture pack and fix the ugliness .
there is a argument that dirt is very useless because it can break very easily .

and i say to the argument because it can break very easily.
but that's the only weakness of dirt which is griefing
but the pro's of dirt heavily outweigh the con's so i declare that dirt is the 5th most useful block in minecraft


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05/31/2019 11:40 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Scribe
RacoonMaster's Avatar
Hm, you're saying Dirt may be one of God's most important tools?
06/01/2019 2:13 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
fluffydemon's Avatar
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