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The Deception of Minecraft

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DJZAwesomeness's Avatar DJZAwesomeness
Level 24 : Expert Architect
When I first saw Minecraft, I thought that it was just some lame pixellated game. But I played it once and got hooked. I installed it on my computer. It installed really fast. I thought this game would run super smooth on my computer. The graphics aren't all that great and it's in pixels.
But I played it on my own computer. Lag like crazy. I have to put it down on the lowest settings and it still lags a bit on large maps and in jungles. I got so sick of it. I uninstalled and never played it again. I couldn't understand how I could play other high graphic games like a breeze but not this game.
A year went by and I started seeing Minecraft everywhere. I was about to ignore it when I saw a video talking about running Minecraft on low end computers. My computer ain't low end but I thought that if a low end can play it, so can mine.
So, I redownloaded and installed Minecraft. Then I installed forge and then Optifine. (The video told me to do this.) Now I can play it with no lag and I'm totally addicted. I have some mods and texture packs installed and all I need is a shaders mod. Leave in the comments a shaders mod that is easy to install, compatible with 1.6.2 and can be ran on low end computers.
This is just a stupid blog but I thought that it was funny how a game that looked like it would run so smooth and easy can take up so many resources.

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09/12/2013 1:22 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Flying_Flames_13's Avatar
what does taylor swift have to do with this?
09/01/2013 10:58 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Artificial's Avatar
woah i still lag on minecraft. I try to avoid jungles and there are some AMAZING servers out there that i want to play, but i have to wait untill i get a better computer or something like that. :( i like the blog tho
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