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Minecraft Blogs / Story

The dark origins, Story one: The evil entities and the cause of the factions.

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JamesTDG's Avatar JamesTDG
Level 35 : Artisan Pixel Painter
Hello there, reader, welcome to this story, it may be a strange one with what you may call normal but in all, this is just a story. Ok, uh, now what was I doing? Oh, yeah, Let's begin this story. Far away in the world of Zeroes and Ones, there was a world, a world that seemed normal to its inhabitants but It was based in a land of cubes, the inhabitants called their world that they liven on, Minecraft. Now in the world of Minecraft, everything was safe, everybody cared for each other, Giant farms sprawled across the landscape, Complex machines were everywhere, ones for transport, many for harvesting, and few just to show off some cool stuff like doorways and slime cannons. But one day, the peace ended, one of the inhabitants grew evil over the lack of chaos, he decided to make creatures of mass danger, one night he stole many of the wildlife, Pigs, chickens, sheep, heck he even stole people for his evil intentions, at first he made explosive dangers from the pigs, he named them creepers, next he took the chickens, stretched them out, tortured them to near death, he transformed those chickens into phantoms. Those poor sheep got almost the worst of it, he just tortured them, killed them for just his pleasure but the worst was the people he took, he skinned them, tortured them with his deadly concoctions, he made zombies out of them, some were more alive than others, they were known as husks. The failed ones he had (and there were many) he skinned them, and somehow successfully he made the skeletons live, there were some special ones he took to make into strays, they had stronger weapons than the normal skeletons. After all of the gory chaos, the evil one's intentions went towards causing fear upon the peaceful inhabitants, his army of deadly monsters was ready, he sent the creepers on a conquest to the farms and houses. The zombies and husks, he shoved them to the broken open houses to turn the people and increase the army, the stragglers that were trying to evade were taken down by the skeletons and strays by their long-range bows. The large city was going into shambles in just one night, somehow many escaped with their lives, they had to flee from the city, those poor young ones, all in fear, losing their only home. After many years in hiding, the survivors started up many villages and factions, There were 3 large/main factions, The order of the bow, Knights of the sword, and Army of the Hatchet. The bowmen were mountain men, the Knights lived in great castles across the flat landscape, and the Lumberjacks lived among the treetops. All were opposed against each-other in their methods of survival and all were revialed. The only ones that wanted peace were the smallest faction, a faction of miners and cave-dwellers known as the Protectors of the tool, the small faction was mighty powerful with control of the strongest resources and high tech machinery but they wanted to be safe and also have purity amongst the factions but they knew it would never happen. (5 months later) The Knights run out of resources from their mines and they required new tools, they only knew the only way to get more metals is to attack the small faction of miners. They gathered their remaining resources and captured creepers. The Knights march, they keep on moving towards finding the peaceful army, wasting creepers whenever they found stone. Little did the Knights know the miners had scouts, the scout that heard the explosions hid his tracks and ran to tell the leader. Since the scout was a wolfcrier, nobody trusted him, Especially the leader. So when the time came and the Knights finally found the city of cavemen, the city was swiftly brought to their knees and the miners defeated and enslaved to gather all of the resources. (to be continued...?)

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02/25/2019 4:47 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Pixel Painter
JamesTDG's Avatar
Prob not going to continue this, IDK if I will
02/25/2019 5:53 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Pixel Painter
JamesTDG's Avatar
Actually, part 2 will be coming all hallows eve and it will be larger and I am working on it daily, if this gets enough diamonds and hearts, I will give the link to the 2nd story for others to see progress
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