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The Chronicles of the Sacred Realm Book 1- The Legend of Brian and Steve Chapter 4 "The Arena of Death"

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ZKK007's Avatar ZKK007
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
          “I knew it was you!” Steve shouted. When Steve looked closer he thought he saw something strange. He thought he saw Brian with cold white eyes. He blinked once and Brian’s eyes were back to normal. “Why did you do it Brian?” Steve asked. But the white eyes were back and Brian said in a deep voice “For my quest. For my return!” Steve got worried for a second. “Is this possible. ‘Him’ returning. And you are him! This must be a joke, right?” Steve replied. Before Brian got a chance to say anything a person came from the sky. He was flying down to the surface of the forest. He was carrying a weapon. It was an enchanted diamond sword. Steve did not know which enchantment but he was worried. When he landed he swung his sword and hit Steve right away. Steve saw the figure walking towards Brian. But then he blacked out.


“Where am I?” asked Steve. All he saw was darkness everywhere. Out of nowhere the platform he was on moved upward, out of the darkness. He was holding his sword and all of his armor was on him. He looked around. There were many people all with glass around them. He also had glass around himself. “What is going on?” wondered Steve. A boy replied “Duh, you are in the Survival Games.” “What is that?” replied Steve. “It is when they choose random people to fight in a huge arena. The only problem is that about one hundred people enter, but only one gets to live.” He claimed. All of a sudden the loudspeaker said “The games are starting in ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, go!” The glass walls moved downward back into the darkness and everyone started to run. Steve did not know what to do so he ran into the forest looking for any sign that can help tell him where he is. Steve remembered what happened before this. “Brian is… No, he cannot be.” He kept on running until he found a bay. He heard people catching up to him. He did the only thing he knew how to do, he punched a tree to get wood and crafted a boat. He saw a few people in his sights. He placed the boat down. They were a couple feet away now. He jumped in the boat and started to paddled away. By the time they got to the bay, he was already going down stream. “That was a close one.” Steve said to himself. “I wonder where Brian is right now. Oh well. Right so what should I do to survive. I can find an island, than once it is big enough animals will spawn there. But then mobs will be able to spawn there. I can always build a house do keep them out. I will go with that plan.” He floated away to the ocean while drifting off to sleep.


He woke up. His boat has stopped moving. It was next to an island. And it had a little wooden house on it. He walked slowly to the house, with his weapon drawn. When he got there he saw someone asleep in bed. It was the same person who answered his question at the beginning of the games. Steve knew he could have killed him right here, right now. But it would be considered stealing and murdering, which were the worst rules to break in Shadow Claw but only if you killed and stole without a reason. He stood there waiting for the other person to wake up. When he finally woke up he saw Steve and tried to flee but he was cornered and had nowhere to go, plus his weapons where on the other side of the room. “Please make my death quick and painless.” The random person said. “What is your name?” questioned Steve. “My name is Randy.” “Well Randy, I am not going to make your death quick or painless because I am not going to kill you.” Steve exclaimed. “Then why are you just standing here?” Randy wondered. “Well I am new at this and I have never heard of this in my life, so I need your help and I am asking you to be my partner.” Steve requested. “Sure, as long as you do not back stab me.” “I would never dream of it.” replied Steve.


When they got outside of the house they were cornered. There were about ten people on the same team. “Crud.” Steve said. He then saw the leader of the group. He was wearing a black creeper hoodie and he had a bandana covering his mouth. “Who are you?” asked Steve. The man replied “Who are we? The Creeper Gang is our name. We are all wearing creeper hoodies but I am the only one with a bandana so it shows I am the leader. Call me ‘Master Mike’.” While he was speaking Steve took out his stone sword and threw it at one of the Creeper Gang members in the chest. He ran up to it and withdrew the sword swinging it at the other Creeper Gang members. Mike withdrew an iron sword and put his gold helmet. They faced off each other, waiting for their foe to make the first move. Steve threw the sword at Mike and ran into the house. Mike dodged it with ease and followed him in. Before Mike got to the same room as him, he grabbed an iron sword, three sticks, some arrows, and some string. After that, he quickly jumped out the window. He said “Randy, follow me to my boat!” Randy followed Steve as fast as he could. They jumped in the boat and sailed off. Steve crafted a bow and gave it and the arrows to Randy. “I will catch you two sooner or later!” yelled Mike. “Aye, sure you will.” stated Randy sarcastically.
CreditCredit to Brian Skillman for giving me the arena of death idea. He will be helping in some more chapters so stay tuned!

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03/02/2014 7:11 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
ZKK007's Avatar
Thanks ill fix it righ away.
03/01/2014 7:09 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Jetra's Avatar
Should be Chapter 4 and was not expecting the twist.
02/28/2014 4:01 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
ZKK007's Avatar
Be sure to leave a diamond, subscirber if it was great, and comment if you think I could hange anything.
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