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The canines Book 3-Revenge with no doubt! (srry i haven't made a canine book in awhile XD i will be paying you guys back with some speshul stuffs.. idk what yet, possibly freebies on a server? XD)

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FrozenSprite's Avatar FrozenSprite
Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
-Chapter 1. Prepare until your face comes off
Despite the fact that Widow was recently SMILING CUT Who are you and what did you do with widow? ACTION-
okay Despite the fact that widow was SMILING, We all had to rush. Even Bloom the most bright, positive of all was loking in doubt. Until the most amazing thing happened..
Bloom peered into the black slick windows of the garage.. Sunrage! She cried. All the wolves pushed and shoved gathered near the dark black glass pain, staring at awe.. Was it truely what they saw? Behind Sunrage was a beautiful wolf.. They couldn't believe there eyes. There faithful king and queen had came back from the underworld to save them! The king's name was Sunrage and the queen's was Serenity. They both stood together, there thick white fur glowing with a gold tint.
We are here to help. They both said
The pack looked.. Scaredly.. Happily.. it was hard to explain,
We have been watching over you, the sisters and brothers of the order of The Storm. Dashel's mouth dropped open.. Your kidding right? he said, shaking
Sunrage and Serenity sensed that Dashel was confused. Its allright, they said. A giant bone appeared in Dashel's mouth. Dashel starting smiling so much that.. he dropped the bone!
Sunrage and Serenity continued. We saw you were in desprate need of help. The thing capturing your master's is like no other.. With 5 bony claws, 7 raser spikes running down its tail, and deep, intiminating red eyes. The creature seemed to be a dragon.
Sunrage and Serenity shot worried looks back at eachother.
We have brought help Sunrage and Serenity said.
Afew dark blue wolves came to there sides.
Meet Darky, Flash, Stormlight, Fluffy, Roary, and last but not least.. There leader..Dashel
Dashel looked at Dashel..
What? DASHEL? ME? No im Dashel! NO IM DASHEL! No IM DASHEL! They went back and forth like that for abit until they realised: We have better things to do then shout Dashel at eachother- we must save our master's and mistress'!
So the now giant pack teamed up, getting all the materials needed for there plan. It was complete..Accept lighter needed that lighter. Lighter had a friend named Appleheart, a dog who's owner worked at a supply store. So, lighter and her crew went to meet Appleheart, and persuaded her master to give her the lighter. The master was confused, so they made up a story about they were turned into wolves by her grandma, so soon enough they had the lighter in there paws.

To be continued

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05/31/2015 4:37 pm
Level 26 : Expert Cowboy
loverboy's Avatar
:D  Haha!  Nice job!  Much longer.  I'm going to post a story blog soon too so, That'll hopefully be interesting.  :D
05/31/2015 7:00 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
FrozenSprite's Avatar
Congrats! (:
You seem rlly, nice.. Friends? :D
05/31/2015 7:01 pm
Level 26 : Expert Cowboy
loverboy's Avatar
Sure, why not!  :D
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