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GoggleD0GG's Avatar GoggleD0GG
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Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon Necromancer
In the beginning, there was nothing but an empty void. No food to eat, no air to breathe, endlessly suffocating and starving, yet not dying. But there was one thing in this void, and that thing was a voice, deep and caring. The voice, however, didn't speak. It just existed, doing nothing while doing everything. It was everything. That voice was all of our souls, all of ourselves. I found peace in the fact that nothing existed other than the voice. It made the world seem small and safe, a shield from the void that surrounded us. But all slowly tired of doing nothing other than being, and cried out for more, begging the voice to release us, to let us fall into the empty void. But the voice held us close, not allowing us to slip into the realm of nothing. No amount of begging or pleading would convince the voice to do otherwise. So we stopped trying to persuade the voice, and accepted the fact that we would never do something other than be.
It took a full dozen eternities for something to change, for something to appear, for us to start truly living. A life without change is not a life that has been lived. It was a piece of bedrock that brought us to life. Day after day, more bedrock appeared, until there was a full layer of solid bedrock. We couldn't see what happened after that.
Finally the voice began to speak. Each word sent another soul away, sending them to whatever laid beyond the layer of bedrock. First the voice sent away the grass to make the ground layer look more alive. But the grass drained the life out of the world, making it impossible for trees to grow. Then the sheep were sent out to decrease the population of the grass. But there was far too much grass for the sheep to get rid of, so the voice sent out pigs and cows and chickens and rabbits to help. Things worked out well for a time, before their populations began to explode. They ate so much grass that they began to starve. The only way to save the plants and animals was to get rid of the weaker creatures, so then ocelots and wolves were sent out to solve this problem. Right as I was sent off, I saw the voice summon a human named Alex. That was the last that I saw of the beginning.
I was sent to a rare ice spikes biome, which contained mostly snowshoe hares. It also had a few sheep and a small group of pigs, but no cows. I caught a rabbit within the first eight minutes. Never in it's life had it seen or heard of danger, and so it was blinded to the threat I posed. I heard a bark and turned around, surprised to see three more wolves. I had a pack now.
A few days passed before I first saw Alex. She ran up to a stray and began attacking it, trying to get the bones. By time she had finally finished the battle she was at half of her health bar. She went over to me and fed me the bones, placing a collar around my neck. Alex placed down an anvil and quickly wrote on the nametag she had brought. She hooked the tag to my collar. And it said


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