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The Ass. With Sass: X Marks The Spot - Part 1

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flash123's Avatar flash123
Level 20 : Expert Unicorn
So you've read the Minetrap Adventures right? You haven't? Go. Now.
You read it? Good. Now after the events of that story everybody went separate ways. Athena in particular set out and became an assassin. (Check that awesome story now.) Anyway George decided to go on and become an assassin / mercenary. George took a job from Jacob 'JS' Koborn. He said he'd pay George once the job was done. Eventually George found out the job was bull. After chasing geese around the world for his target a furious George returned to Koborn's house and demanded his money. Koborn sent his mercenary team 'The Dark Arrows' to kill George after he threatened to kill him. Well, he said he'd take his cantina staff…That counts right? George took them all down and ended up forcing Koborn to give all his companies' money to him. So now George is stacked in money. Big time.


Vladivoska (a real place, yes I know Geography) Russia.

"Yeah, so, you know that boat you sold me a few weeks ago? I took it to this island and…Things didn't work out." George said in a voice that felt embarrassed.
He stood with his foot on a barrel on the edge of the harbour he was at. Two men stood in front of him. One was small and had very little hair from what George could see. He had a french round cotton hat on. Next to him stood a very tall bruiting man that had a striped black and white shirt on.
"What do you mean by this?" replied the smaller man.
George raised his foot from the barrel and looked at him.
"It…sank…" George said blushing red.
The two men looked at each other with crazy looks. The bigger man's eyebrows covered his eyes, he looked like he was about to raise them.
"Is submarine." the smaller man said in his russian accent. His English wasn't very accurate. "Is supposed to sink."
George put his finger to his chin. He thought a while. Then he realised. His face went blank again.
"How was I supposed to know that?" George replied in a puzzled voice.
Since the end of The Minetrap Adventures George has grown more and more crazy than he was before. He had grown two voices in his head. In these stories I will be representing his less intellectual side with orange and his smarter side with purple. Got that simpleton?
"Seriously though!"
"The instructions were all in Russian!"
The smaller man spoke up.
"If you like, we sell you new boat."
George looked into both their eyes and said.
"A regular boat?"
Finally the bigger man said something in a harsh and grumbling voice.
"Yes. Not submarine." he said.
George grew a smile on his face.
"Cool. So, like the last deal?"
The smaller man coughed and looked up at the bigger man.
"You want to pay same price as submarine?" he said, also growing a smile on his face.
The smaller man nudged the bigger man with his elbow.
"Yes." George said proudly. "Oh, and not a penny more." he added tutting the men.
The bigger man put his hand on the smaller man's elbow.
"And since you such good costumer, we make exception." the bigger man boomed.
George stood up on the barrel he once put his foot on and pointed to a small yacht on the river bank.
"I want that one." George said trying to keep his balance on the barrel.
The two men began to dance around. They sang russian songs George didn't understand. After a while they stopped and the smaller man said
"You will need crew to sail that boat, no?"
George flung his arms in the air and shook them about.
"Oh no I don't have a crew!" George said in a sarcastic way. "Psh, of course I have a crew Im not stupid. My crew is on the way as we speak."

Meanwhile in a land far far away called Canada a man picked up his phone. He wore a purple hat with gold on the outlines. Also a purple robe that fell down to his legs was on him at the time. Underneath he wore a buttoned shirt. Gold shoes sparkled when he walked.
"Um. Are you sure about this Mr. George?" the man spoke in a voice that sounded like it was being tickled.
The man went outside and got into his car. The license plate read:
It was very old.
"Hell yeah Ben, we're gonna be pirates!"

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02/02/2014 9:04 am
Level 20 : Expert Unicorn
flash123's Avatar
02/02/2014 8:05 am
Level 21 : Expert Pokemon
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01/31/2014 6:52 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
[]BenPimp[]'s Avatar
FUCKING BADASS but canada seriously...
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