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The Amazing PMCer's EP2 S2: Writer's block and writer's enemy

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The amazing 12's Avatar The amazing 12
Level 30 : Artisan Tribe
Ella couldn't think of what to write, she turned to everyone she knew for ideas. Then she had an idea "I could write about a writer who has magic powers!" she said, but all of her pencils were broken so she had to buy a new one. So she bought a new pencil, went back home and started writing. But as soon as she finished the character popped out of the paper like something shraight out of a cartoon! She gasped in shock looking at the pencil wondering if it's magic, before she could even say anything the character grabbed the pencil and started writing terrible things into existence, "All this time I've watched and witnessed what i thought was the end, well surprise surprise my story has not yet come to an end!" the character said. The character was mad that his story was coming to an end, Ella called the group quickly for the character was writing dangerous things into existence. The group arrived and a battle broke out, then the character wrote Giselle and she popped out of the paper confused and scared. "Just when you think I'm all out of tricks i surprise you with something new confusing violent storytelling thats what i was written to do" said the character, Shadow grabbed back the pen and wrote "Time pause!" then she said to Giselle "Ok give us answers who are you", Giselle responded with "I-i dont know umm i was trapped in a basement a-and then i broke free and people kept beating me u-up". Kay then wrote "Unpause" and also tried to write the character out of existence but it didn't work the group had to fight him, the group fought the character and once again were victorious. The end and remember always stay never not amazing!

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