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The Accident, Part 3 - Chiaroscuro Writing Extravaganza

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Lemilas's Avatar Lemilas
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Written for Chiaroscuro's Writing Extravaganza, Again event.

Part 1 by lyliaa
Part 2 by PolishFuze

  Suddenly the door slammed open. The people we had been running from walked into the café. One of them, who appeared to be their leader, went up to the barista.

  “We’re looking for two people; have you seen them?” he demanded, speaking with an accent.

  “I don’t know,” the barista replied. “I’ve seen a lot of people today.”

  “I mean recently,” he said. “One of them was a young man. We didn’t see who the other one was, but they were running together. We think they came here just a few minutes ago.”

  “Well, I don’t see anyone here,” she answered, gesturing to the empty chairs and tables. “Besides, this place closes in a few minutes, so I wouldn’t expect anyone to come here.” She paused. “Why are you looking for them, anyway?”

  “None of your business,” the man replied.

  “Well, like I said, I don’t think there’s anyone here. Maybe you should check somewhere else.”

  The man sighed and motioned to the rest of the group. They all left, and the building was silent once more. “Wilson” waited a few minutes to make sure our pursuers wouldn’t return, and then he stepped out from where he was hiding. I followed him.

  The barista looked at us in surprise. “You’re still here? I thought you had already left.” Wilson looked concerned. The barista reassured him, “Don’t worry. Even if I had known you were here, I wouldn’t have told them. They looked dangerous. Good thing they didn’t try and look for you.”

  “Yeah, that could have turned out badly,” I said.

  “Well, whatever’s going on, I hope you two stay safe.”

  “We’ll try our best,” Wilson answered.

  I turned to Wilson. “But what do we do now?”

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