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The 8th grade ball (IRL Story)

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Ender Sparkle's Avatar Ender Sparkle
Level 43 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
On drawing, left to right: Me (I had to make the dress (I suck at drawing dresses) brighter because black doesn't fit well with, well, black.) IRL Friend 1, IRL Friend 2, IRL Friend 3.

Yesterday I was on my 8th grade ball, and it was... okay. Like I'm not a person who goes to a party to party. I am more of like "There is free food on the party??" person.

The ball was going to begin at 18:00 (6 PM), but I came 15 minutes earlier and there was already half of my class. When the party began, the music was extremely loud. Like, I'm not an extremely sensitive person, but it was do loud I had to communicate mostly TROUGH TEXT because no one could hear no one. I managed to flee from the Polonaise part, there was no one with whom I could be paired anyway (lucky me :D). I forgot to mention that aside from the three 8th grade classes from my school there was another one with 11 people that was going to school outside my city. They performed Chapelloise, and oml, the music was awesome!

After the dances, we got the food, and after that, everyone went to dance. Before the party, we managed to craft a playlist that would play at this moment (I even made my addition to these suggestions, generously "donating" Deadlocked by F-777). All of this turned out to be useless, because the DJ blasted generic mediocre popular party pop from music discs. Breaks were a blessing, because our ears could rest and we could for a while communicate verbally again.

What was I doing at the party? Not really dancing, only when ALL students were "obligated" to do so. I was sitting there, at the end of the table assigned to my class with my friends, seemingly unamused. We were talking about some stuff in discussions that ordinary 5 or 10 minute break would never fit.

Overall rating? 8.3/10. Definitely a memory worth remembering.

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05/30/2024 4:48 pm
She/Her • Level 57 : Grandmaster Ranger Mountaineer
PsioPsia001's Avatar
The DJs at school parties often play bad music (my school has a ball every year when we dance Polonaise on the staircase and last time the DJs played some rap that was really bad for dancing)

Did you like the ball in the end?
Ender Sparkle
05/30/2024 5:00 pm
She/Her • Level 43 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
Ender Sparkle's Avatar
Yeah, everyone enjoys a party in their own way. And I don't think there was much rap here, but somehow this was allowed to be played, in front of the teachers.
06/01/2024 1:24 pm
She/Her • Level 57 : Grandmaster Ranger Mountaineer
PsioPsia001's Avatar
Imo Rapapara sucks but carries a good message
Ender Sparkle
06/01/2024 1:28 pm
She/Her • Level 43 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
Ender Sparkle's Avatar
Just searched the lyrics, and the song sure has a good message!
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