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Writers Group's Avatar Writers Group
Level 7 : Apprentice Club
Chapter 1

Where was he, he didn't know, what happened...
There was something... Unknown, strange, alien...
Where was his team... His friends... And more importantly... His enemies...
That's when he woke up, he was under water!
He was deep maybe 50 feet under he kicked off the bottom and shot for the surface, he swam desperately, almost there... almost.
He exploded onto the surface taking in a big breath, that's when he realized a current was draining the water around him.
So he waited until it had completely drained, and that's when he realized the entire city was underwater, or had been anyway.
But why?

1 Update Logs

Chapter 2 : by Triskelion 03/27/2022 7:37:45 pmMar 27th, 2022

30 Minutes earlier

"WE'VE GOT TO MOVE!!" yelled SRG Jones as another artillery shell whistled down right next to them. They had to continuesly run from cover to cover as all of it was obliterated by artillery shells, tanks and infintry, which was really annoying to say the least. "Blackbird 4-3 we need air support that artillery has us pinned down!" he yelled as he narrowly avoided being sniped, he searched desperately for the sniper but didn't see him anywhere, then he had him centered on his head and was just about to fire when a rocking explosion knocked him off his feet and the dam above the city gave way to a rushing torrent of water, he swam desperately but it was to late as something hit him in the back of the head and everything went black.

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03/22/2022 10:40 pm
Level 29 : Expert Musician
Echo4Al8RexCoco's Avatar
Has someone been reading Edgar Allan Poe? I recognize his punctuation style lol
03/22/2022 11:10 pm
Level 21 : Expert Engineer
Triskelion's Avatar
Lol not for a while
Planet Minecraft


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