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Sweet Like Sugar - Resource Pack Blog 1

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angelkiwi's Avatar angelkiwi
Level 13 : Journeyman Artist
Hello everyone! I thought I'd make this blog showing off some progress that's been made on Sweet like Sugar, and also talk a little bit about the project.

There is a severely underwhelming amount of girly, cute, or otherwise 'kawaii' resource packs out there in Minecraft. We have big names like High on Sugar that haven't been updated since 1.8, and some newer titles like Sugar Pack and Kawaii World that are either not to my own personal taste or not completely finished. Some packs try to make small things like mobs or plants cute, but I want to try my hand at making the entire world cute, while also ensuring that it's all to my own personal taste.

Sweet Like Sugar pulls inspiration from texture packs such as High on Sugar, Squishypack, and Kawaii World; amazing texture packs that everyone should check out at least once! Additionally, I upkeep a private Pinterest Board with graphics and images to pull inspiration from. The pack has a pink, purple, and blue color palette. You may find blocks outside the color range for variety's sake, but these are the colors that I mostly go for.

Before we proceed, I would like to make a small aside; my computer is okay. It's not the best, and it's not the worst. But it's okay. OBS isn't that fond of recording while I play Minecraft, so there may be issues regarding framerate on some of the GIFs I share on the blog. I want you to keep that in mind going forward. The pack may look a lot better in-game than what you see here. \

One of the core decisions I have made regarding the pack is an emphasis on making certain things more alive than how they originally were in Minecraft. For example, the Beetroots you see here are ready to harvest. They will jump for joy when they are ready to be harvested! When they're still growing, their little green stems gently wave in the wind.

I plan on having this same amount of life be breathed into all the crops. Farming is my favorite activity in Minecraft, so it makes sense to me to spend a good amount of my time improving the quality of the crop sprite art. As of right now, Beetroots are the only 100% completed crop, having complete item forms and block sprites.

Pictured in this photo include birch planks (the blue wood!) acacia planks (the pink planks), polished andesite (the lighter bricks), polished granite (the dark pink bricks), a crafting table, a blast furnace (the little dragon!), an acacia sapling, brown and red mushroom blocks, and, of course, a red mushroom!

Talking mobs, I plan on making all of them as cutesy as possible! I'm still working on what exactly I want to do for skeletons, but for now, here's a solidified Zombie concept (preview on Novaskin)

Sweet Like Sugar - Resource Pack Blog 1

My first major 'update' for the resource pack is the Mining Update. The to-do list to make this complete is impossibly long, but I have confidence I'll get it done in a decently-timely manner :) This requires all mobs you might encounter in a cave, plus all items you might encounter in mine shafts. As you can imagine, that is quite a lot of blocks!

Let's show off the ores and their respective items :)

Sweet Like Sugar - Resource Pack Blog 1

For ores, I wanted to keep a shiny and sparkly theme going :) I also wanted it to be VERY clear you were encountering an ore block. No more missed ores! Ores have a light border around their edges, sparkles, and plenty of surface area showing off their colors so you know that you've found something good. Their respective blocks look far more decorative now. Don't you just want a whole wall of them?

For the actual ore items themselves I kept them very simple, and they're just small, sparkly bits of goodness :)

Sweet Like Sugar - Resource Pack Blog 1
And the stones family ! On the top are polished diorite, polished andesite, polished granite, stone brick and cobblestone.

On the bottom is raw diorite, raw andesite, raw granite, and normal stone.
I've decided to use this opportunity to actually make some of the lesser-loved blocks into something everyone can enjoy !

In my next update, I'll go over some of the changes I've made to the fish and what their cooked variants are :) Stay tuned! If you like progress on Sweet like Sugar, please make sure to leave a diamond + comment !

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05/16/2020 1:26 am
Level 25 : Expert System
The6thHorror's Avatar
I love this pack so far!! So cute!! <3 Is there any download to test it out as it is now? I know you're still updating, but I'm just wondering since it's so cute! >.<
05/19/2020 12:30 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Artist
angelkiwi's Avatar
Thank you for your interest! There is no public download available at this time :) I will update my blog when there is progress.
05/19/2020 7:03 am
Level 25 : Expert System
The6thHorror's Avatar
04/30/2020 5:19 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Waffle
RystaButAteASock's Avatar
This is cool- how
05/01/2020 2:10 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Artist
angelkiwi's Avatar
A lot of patience, trial, and error :'3
04/26/2020 12:05 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
jaleh's Avatar
hello! i really like this pack so far! although i have just one suggestion: you should make the leaves on the trees and the grass way lighter. i don't know why, but the colors seem to contrast. anyways, i really like it !! keep up the good work <3

(i understand if you haven't gotten to the grass and leaf textures yet)
04/26/2020 4:41 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Artist
angelkiwi's Avatar
Hey there! Thank you for taking the time out of your day to comment on my work, I really appreciate it. It keeps me motivated working on it :)
Thanks for the suggestions on the leaves / grass, and I definitely plan on changing them. I had to take a break to relearn Optifine, because I can really only change their colors / textures for sure using Optifine's MCPatcher features. Now that i know how to do so, I plan on taking some time to properly recolor the world to match Sweet Like Sugar's image :)
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