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Sweet Life Sucks 1 - The Glitter project (W.I.P)

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KitKatNonkie's Avatar KitKatNonkie
Level 14 : Journeyman Unicorn
Thank youSweet Life Sucks 1 - The Glitter project (W.I.P)Sweet Life Sucks 1 - The Glitter project (W.I.P)to all my subscribers, fans, and friends, I would like to give two specialSweet Life Sucks 1 - The Glitter project (W.I.P) thank you's to KurtGamerzz and _Lycalopex_ Your awesome! I would also like to thank my family for everything they've done for me :) .This was inspired by Twilight,  I hope that if you read this book, you give a review in the comments :) I hope you enjoy this story! (Keep in mind that this is my first book ;D)
(Link to picture of main character!) (shes 15)(please note there are some violence and swearing)
(Link to picture Of Max Cullen)(Hes 17)
                                                                           CHAPTER 1
I liked it here in London, after a while adleast, the school i'm in is quite different, cool, but different. My mom always calls me a demon for my hair being black, OK, heres the story of how my hair is black, last year, my friend Susan, dared me to dye my hair black, I did, I just had to look like I was sixteen-even though im fifteen, old enough of course. I wasn't afraid, but I got into trouble, with my mum, she shouted at me about, sixteen hundred times? Well I don't care about her so, I guess thats enough about her and more about me, my name is Rihanna, I love to listen to rock music, but my mom takes my headphones every time she sees my listening to it. Well, I don't have much to think about right now, so well, this is my life, being shouted at by my mother, being called to the headmisstress's office, being shouted at, its pretty much being- SHOUTED at all the time!

                                                                           CHAPTER 2
It's back to school now, after holiday, my second year, my second crap, all the same, all the same, it's also back to girls talking about who-flatters-who, well, thats not me, I wouldn't reveal my crush infront of girls i'm not even friends with, I mean, whats the point of telling people? I walk to the school, then into my class unpacking my things, but I get stopped in the middle of it by a male voice- my crush. "How are ya today?" he asks. "I'm fine Max, I tell you that every day!" I respond. "You know what?" He continues. "Want to do the project with me?" he asks. "What project!" I respond once more. "The One The Teacher's going to say out today, I know what it is." he grins. "Can you tell me?" I whisper. "It's a glitter project.." He responds quietly. "Cool..." I try to grin. One thing for sure is that I hate glitter, it's like im allergic to it! Damnit.
"Can you help me pack up?" I ask him. "Sure!" He responds.

He puts his arm 'round me.

I wriggle it off. "Finished packing already?" I ask. "Yea, looks like it." he responds as the bell rings for school.
                                                                   CHAPTER 3
The funny fact is, my English Teacher's name is Mr. Sherbit, hes wierd, maybe he doesn't like his surname? Anyways The boy I like is Max, sure I wriggled his arm off but still, I'm not ready! "Now Class, I'll tell you what our project of the week is, Glitter project! Now open your textbook to page 78 and do the first activity." He Instructs us grinning.Max was right. "Don't forget the new rule!" He Winks. "Don't eat your thumbs." He continues wierdly. See what I mean by wierd? Everyone rolls their eyes at Mr. Sherbit. I finish the activity before anyone else and I walk up to his desk awkwardly. "What must I do when I'm finished?" I ask. "Rihanna?" he questions. "Whats on your tounge?" he asks. "Nothing!" I squeal. He takes a peak inside. "I'm taking you to the principal!" He says as he looks at the piercing in my tounge. Ok , Another Dare, Do I listen to dares too much? I don't want to be found as a wimp. "Rihanna, Again.." Mrs. Scarlett the principal says to me. I just stay silent. "Let me see, Rihanna!" she instructs. I keep my mouth shut. "1.." she begins counting. "Fine!" I stick out my tounge. She has a horrified look on her face, she calls my mum, my mum comes to school from work on the phone, and she talks to the principal without me in the office, my face red with anger, I hate my mom sometimes, and wish I had a dad, but of course he divorced with my mum. I was so sad when he left, that I kept asking her where he went, but back then I was about four or five. I smirk. My mom calls me to come to the office. I do. But there's bad news on the way.

                                                                   CHAPTER 4
My heart sinks when I hear this. "Miss Flyn." Mrs. Scarlett says to my mum. "Rihanna is getting into too much trouble, Threw a knife on the floor in class, Piercing her tounge, dying her hair, I'm afraid that shes gonna have to move on-" She says. "Your Saying that my daughter is expelled?!" My mum interupts. "Uhm Yes-No-Maybe" lets say 'Mrs Hannah Frannah Scarlettah' said that. My mum took me out the school. But before that, I took off my blazer, threw it off onto the ground, and stuck out my tounge at Mrs. Turnip the secretary. She was horrified. I jumped in the car, my mum left the school in no time at all, I smirked. There was a silent moment for a long time. "This is your second school this year!" My mum shouts at me. My heart sinks. "I'm sorry.." I repeat one hundred thousand times.
"It's no use Rihanna, it's time for a change like-" My mom stops. My heart thumps fast "Boarding school.. No Mom. No no no no no no NO!! You can't do this to me!" I say with tears in my eyes, I don't cry though, I dont cry ever!
"Rihanna, maybe its for the best, a second fresh start. You might have more friends!" But I have a friend, A best friend, and her name is Susan,  I don't say this out loud of course, because what my mom wants is for me to have more friends, not just one- two counting Max, - five counting Liam, Jess, And Calem. The Reason why I have more boy-friends than girlfriends is because They all like me. Not the 'like' type the 'like like' type. "Mom please.." I sob. "Maybe you should go to your dad" she frowns. "Because I have work to do." she continues. I frown, Not with a person named Elizabeth there, Shes my step mum, and theres a little girl there named Sammy, shes cute, i've seen pictures of her, Maybe I should live there.

                                                             CHAPTER 5
I agree, my mum takes me to the airport, she sets me off not even waving at the plane to Japan, well Tokyo, Sad part is, its far away. I sob remembering my friends, they said they have a surprise for me though, im excited and sad at the same time. The plane lands and I pull my Fluffy pink rugsack on. "Dad!" I grin. "Wheres Sammy? And Elizabeth!" Dad frowns when I say that. "Their at home" he says.
"I have something for both of them!" I say and dad hugs me. "I love you dad." I say silently. "You too" he says happily but awkwardly. No More Who-Flatters-Who and no more Annoying people poking me  every 2 seconds! Awesome. Not awesome- Legendary. I walk into the house, and I haul my heavy bag in. I look for my fluffy pencil but its no where to be found, Crap. I finally realise the surprise, theres a note in my bag saying "Coming 2 Tokyo, And living there as long as you live there! XXX Max + susan, Don't forget about her ;) "  Susan is Max's Sister, So I can see how I get along with them. Sammy comes into the room. "Hi!! Mum is making Roast Turkey for dinner! Specially for you!" I frown " Im vegeterian, Didn't anyone tell you!" she crys, shes only 8. "Sorry!" I hug her. "ITS ok.." she frowns, I go down to dad and my step mum. "Didn't mum tell you that im vegeterian?" I ask dad. "She didn't.." He frowns "Nevermind, I didnt start cooking either, Im sure I can make a nice vegetarian meal" Elizabeth says smiling. ~ToBeContinued~~EditedEveryday~

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