Minecraft Blogs / Let's Play

Survival Series Blog #7

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illager's Avatar illager
Level 58 : Grandmaster Meme Theorist
I have been very lazy with writing these. I meant to publish this three days ago, but was too lazy. Anyway its that time again, where I bore you with tales of my adventures.

The first thing i did was go Endbusting. This was actually more fun than I'd anticipated, and i managed to get several rare, enchanted books. I found enough Shulkers to make 3 boxes, and i also got some beetroot seeds. I also planted my old carrots from zombies long dead, but that's not really of notice.

Though I've said before that I wanted a cactus farm, I decided against it, and instead planned a design for a pumpkin farm that's automatic. I have had a farm for pumpkins for ages, however I've had to spend hours harvesting it. Instead of manually harvesting them, I started making experimental tests for automatic farms in a Redstone flat world. In the end they failed and I decided to just use a design off YouTube. The tutorial I used was by RAHsite (on YT). The video can be found here as the top right video>[url=video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=Awrig6j3QchkWJ47Iqk0nIlQ;_ylu=c2VjA3NlYXJjaAR2dGlkAw--;_ylc=X1MDMTM1MTE5NTcwMARfcgMyBGZyA3locy1Ma3J5LVNGMwRmcjIDcDpzLHY6dixtOnNiLHJnbjp0b3AEZ3ByaWQDZFRhcFlqVV9TcHVPZlhCTGs1ZmRZQQRuX3JzbHQDMARuX3N1Z2cDMTAEb3JpZ2luA3ZpZGVvLnNlYXJjaC55YWhvby5jb20EcG9zAzAEcHFzdHIDBHBxc3RybAMwBHFzdHJsAzIyBHF1ZXJ5A2F1dG9tYXRpYyUyMHB1bXBraW4lMjBmYXJtBHRfc3RtcAMxNjkwODQ1Njk2?p=automatic+pumpkin+farm&ei=UTF-8&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Av%2Cm%3Asb%2Crgn%3Atop&fr=yhs-Lkry-SF3&hsimp=yhs-SF3&hspart=Lkry&type=YHS_SW_60490_%2460490_000000%24¶m1=na3P9yVrJGqvPvD9inUXMwRRnbCVzXy34992HTGta1m0YCJBr4yALjtgTAOh-N4Nnd8eMe9MX4I7Vm7Ejha0PH6uf64pltMh6lp1XA5tWKRgPP9bn4RI82cd7ZKZcLL3sU6411uEJlCT6dj2C-650zTaOclQB38-F2z0VLL4Pdje7F93Ajjdd8F6RVx3ZO6R6zzDbmav78p8dstNheDYwjZ4IWD9NVgMxvY00C3cXOFZ8mTQaTj0RNkKV0i_QJXZAhURPPqdfSJQwD3PgU9gL935zXAUZ77l6z1_g19oAjYU#id=1&vid=ef7e4484dcc00b0db0927b6a256217ed&action=view]automatic pumpkin farm.[/url]

This blog has the most random selection of chores done. Mainly here i decided my Nether portal was ugly, so I mined 22 obsidian blocks, and made a new 4x4 framed portal, now just beneath my villager trading hall. I started decorating it with gold, netherrack, basalt, and the like. Before the decorating began however, I had a fun hour-long mining session to get all the basalt, netherrack, and glowstone needed.

At this point i knew it was time to make the aforementioned farm for pumpkins. Pumpkins are easy emeralds for me, as i can give 5 of them to my farmer villager and get an emerald out of it. Thus why my farmer merchant was the first to reach master level. I started mining out a space for the farm, and I began making the redstone work. The farm uses the mechanic that causes pumpkins to break when pushed by pistons, to make the pumpkin get dropped into a stream of water, where it's sent to a hopper tube and ultimately a chest for easy collection.

Then I started flying with my elytra, and had a jolly time, before deciding to explore a little (after putting mending on the item). I found a jungle temple and found some crap loot. Crap only besides the armour trim within the temple. I then decided to explore through an ocean, and ended up foolishly raiding it. The Elder was too much for me, and i dead not three seconds after entry. I ended up loosing my armour, and had to run to collect it again. I managed, but did lose my diamond pickaxe, helmet, and axe. I thankfully was able to regain it by trading with my villager merchants.

WELL that is all this time, i hope you liked it!!

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07/31/2023 8:39 pm
Level 46 : Master Baconator
LegendarySi's Avatar
I've never beaten Minecraft :|
07/31/2023 8:38 pm
Level 46 : Master Baconator
LegendarySi's Avatar
Bro your armor looks awesome with that trim!
07/31/2023 9:38 pm
He/Him • Level 58 : Grandmaster Meme Theorist
illager's Avatar
08/02/2023 10:19 am
He/Him • Level 36 : Artisan Vampire Elf
ExtremeGames's Avatar
Personally, I prefer to wear Netherite with the Silence trim in diamond material.
08/02/2023 11:26 am
He/Him • Level 58 : Grandmaster Meme Theorist
illager's Avatar
that makes sense, but i haven found much netherite (working on that) and i have a limited array of trims available.
08/02/2023 11:32 am
He/Him • Level 36 : Artisan Vampire Elf
ExtremeGames's Avatar
Makes sense. Difficult to get silence anyway...
08/02/2023 11:36 am
He/Him • Level 58 : Grandmaster Meme Theorist
illager's Avatar
yeah. i LOVE the set ive got now (wild looks good though)
07/31/2023 7:57 pm
Level 42 : Master Wolf Wolf
ItzOrangey's Avatar
Did you find a half-endship while endbusting?
07/31/2023 8:07 pm
He/Him • Level 58 : Grandmaster Meme Theorist
illager's Avatar
no lol...
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