This Blog is an entry in the completed Create A Survival Guide Blog Contest.

Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

Survival guide! (Part 1!)

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TheWorkingKid's Avatar TheWorkingKid
Level 11 : Journeyman Skinner
 So, you finally managed to buy that one game you always wanted.MINECRAFT! Woohoo! goodjob! you deserve this!
But now that you login  to your first world, and you have NO idea what to do... so you walk around aimlessly until you die of starvation. "This game is stupid!" you might be saying. But here comes the issue: Maybe you just dont know how to play the game? so here is a tutorial for all you noobie greenies to minecraft. Enjoy!


~Chapter 1~
So you are in the world. Now suggesting that you have played ANY other computer game you should know how to move around and look around and stuff. But out of consideration for those people who dont: To move around you use the W,A,S and D keys. W will move you forward, S will move you backwards, A will move you left and D will move you right.

Now then, now that you can move around, lets get to the baisics. Minecraft is (in my opinion) a more child targeted survival simulator. You want to survive. So how? well you need shelter, tools, food and all of that good stuff; but how do you get it? well you need the one material that is connected to them all: WOOD!
 you will normally find wood all around you, unless you spawn in a desert. If you spawn in a desert, there is a high chance you will die before you find a different biome (which we will talk about later). To collect wood, just punch that sucker till it breaks! Now i hear you Newbies asking:"But how do i punch? :(". And there is a simple answer to this: Left click your mouse. By clicking left click once, you will punch once; to punch repeatadly, which is what you want to do to break things, click and hold down the left click button. So lets go through this again. Step 1: go up to a tree. Step 2) Look at the tree with your mouse. Step 3) click left click and hold on the tree block until it breaks.
After breaking the block of wood, you will see a little floating 3D version of it on the ground. What is that? you might be asking; well thats your resource. by breaking the wood block, you have now gained 1 wood block to work with. Before getting into the next chapter of crafting and building, i suggest you accumalte around a stack of wooden logs. A stack in minecraft refers to the amount of the same item you can put in one inventory slot, normally 64, with the exceptions of eggs, enderpearls and ender eyes, as well as Flint and Steel, Armour and tools.

~Chapter 2~
Now that you have gathered a stack of wooden logs, it is time to work! now if you press E you will open your inventory. your inventory is where you keep your immideate items. Items refer to drops from breaking blocks or killing mobs or crafting. Items can later be put in chests so you dont have to carry everything around. When you open your inventory you will find a 2 by 2 cube and 1 cube next to it. This is how we begin crafting.


The 2 by 2 square is your "input" or where you place items to make other items. the single square is the "output" or the result of your crafting. start by putting your one log into one of the 2 by
2 squares like so:


For every 1 wood log you put into the craftin area, you can recieve 4 WOODEN PLANKS! HOORAY! turn all the logs you have into wood. Then we can start making tools. Tools come in different "Teirs". the very first Teir and the worst and cheapest teir of them all is wooden; so to make Wooden tools you will need wood, and sticks. to create sticks, put 2 wood planks vertically. These 2 planks will give you 4 sticks, which is a good starting amount. All tool teirs need sticks! Another thing that all tools share in common is their crafting recipie. The crafting recipie is just how to craft this and that. The same tool from the wooden teir will have the same crafting recipe as the same tool in a teir above it, with the only change being the materials. Here are all the tool crafting recipies:


These 5 recipies are how to make all your tools. Now, to make tools of higher grade, such as iron or diamond, you simply switch the wooden planks with Iron Ingots or diamonds.
What you would probably want to do, is create a pickaxe first. A pickaxe's function is to mine stone and resources, but a wooden pickaxe can only mine stone, dirt and coal. You should probably try and collect lots of cobble stone (Cobble stone is recived when mining stone). When you have aquaired large amounts of cobble, make an entire set of tools all from stone. Stone tools are more durable and do their jobs better than wooden tools. Crafting is going to be your main way of recieveing different and complex items in the game, and if you do not know the recipes, you can look it up online!
You may notice that to craft these tools you need a 3 by 3 crafting area; to get that, simply craft a crafting bench, by filling all four spots in your inventory crafting area with wood planks. this will give you the crafting bench block. place that block down to show the 3 by 3 crafting space!
Now that you have your tools, you need a safe place to take shelter in, for monsters come out at night! so what you might want to do is build a simple, 5x5x5 cube house out of all those planks you made earlier! To make this house some what efficent, you will need: A door to enter and leave, A bed to sleep the nights away, The crafting bench, The Furnance and a chest. Here are all the recipies for them:


Now that you have all the baisics, lets build a shelter to sleep the night in. This shelter doesn't have to be your permanent shelter/home, but it is suggested that you find a permenent place early on in the game. You might want to flatten out the area you build your house in, to make it look better or easier to build upon. You can start with something simple, and then expand later! it is a sandbox game afterall...

~Chapter 3~
So you now have a shelter and tools, and even the baisics of life. But you are still going to die of starvation with out food. There are many ways to get food in minecraft. You might decided to become a farmer and grow crops to feed you. You might decide to try and herd animals and slaughter them when they are old enough. You can also try your luck in hunting, although i dont suggest it. The chances of you constantly being able to find herds of wild animal are low unless you travel far. What is noramlly done by most players who want to survive is both grow crops and herd animals. To grow crops you are going to use the hoe. Right click on a grass or dirt block with the hoe and the block will be fertile (AKA you can plant stuff on it now!). But you still need water. One source block of water can fertilize an entire 9 by 9 cube around it. But how to get water? You make.... A BUCKET! But how do you make a bucket? Like this:


To get Water in the bucket, simply right click with the bucket on a water source block. A WATER SOURCE BLOCK CAN BE IDENTIFIED BY STILL WATER. SOURCE BLOCKS OF WATER ARE STILL. Now that you have your little farm area hoe'd and watered, time to plant the seeds! the easiest seeds you will find are wheat seeds, which can be found by punching grass. They will be named seeds, and when you have them, simply right click with them on a fertilzed peice of dirt. Then you must wait around 5-10 minutes for this seed to fully grow into harvestable wheat!


Other plants that you can grow include potatoes, carrots, melons, pumpkins and sugar canes, and they all can feed you with the exception of sugar cane, which is mostly used in crafting. All of these are less common than wheat seeds, but with a little expedition search you should be able to find them!
Now that concludes our explenation on Plant growing, now onto animal herding. There are a few non-hostile mobs in the game that the players can herd. These include Cows, Sheep, Pig and Chiken. To draw these animals attention, you will need certain items. if you hold a peice of wheat in your hand, cows and sheep will be attracted to you, and will follow you around. For pigs its carrots, and for chiken its wheat seeds. You could herd rabits in 1.8, but i dont suggest it, they are quite annoying in my opinon. Anyways, what you want to do is attract as many herd animals as you can and surround them by fences. Fences are made like this:


(Note: this is the 1.8 recipe, the 1.7.10 and under is just the same but all sticks)
But now that your animals are surrounded, you cant enter! so for that you make a fence gate, which like the name implies, acts as both fence and a gate. This is how to make one:


(Again, this is the 1.8 recipe, if you are playing in lower versions, look it up!)

Now that you have your animals surrounded and you can enter and leave at will, you need to breed them. To breed cows and sheep, you need at least 2 of each animal (2 cows, 2 sheep). then, with at least 2 wheat in your hand, rght click each one once; so click cow number 1 once with the wheat and click cow number 2 once. this will create heart particles above their head, and they will breed together. Take notice that this will consume your item, and wheat is only correspondant to cows and sheep. for pigs its carrots, and for chikens its seeds. After a couple of seconds, a baby animal will pop out, and then you let it grow. You continue this cycle until you decide to slaughter them. REMEMBER TO ALWAYS KEEP 2 SO YOU CAN KEEP BREEDING!!! Redstone Slaughterhouses will be talked about later, in the redstone chapter.  I suggest keeping each kind of animal in a different area, so one area for pigs on earea for cows and so on...

Seeing as this is so long, i will write the rest (chapters 4 through 10) on spereate blogs not for the competition. So this is just, Guide part one i suppose? hope you stayed around to read this much through! chapters 4 through 7 should be out in a week or so!
CreditGoogle Images,

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