This Blog is an entry in the completed Create A Survival Guide Blog Contest.

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Survival Guide: by Steve

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jayjel's Avatar jayjel
Level 1 : New Explorer
If you're reading this, you probably shouldn't. You're dead under my influence.

Oh, still here? How strange, that usually works. Well, might as well keep writing. Either you've fallen down here like I stupidly have. (not calling you stupid... well maybe.) Or you've got equipment to get yourself back up. I don't have that. So if you're one of those, safe equipment people, stop reading, as I've said before.

But if you're one of those people who fell down like me, get comfy, pull up a rock or something, and keep on reading. You're going to be here a while.

Now to address myself, I'm Steve. Ever heard of me? No? Eh, that's what I thought. So when I fell down here, the first thing i thought was where I was going to find food. You're going to have to head west from the jagged rock on the ground. Once you get there you'll find some mushrooms. Luckily, there was a chest down here with some wood in it. I made a bowl or two for you, go ahead. Make some mushroom stew. Oh, and by the way, don't smell it. It makes it taste worse.

Now once you got that, you take the weapons in there. You'll have to keep your eyes peeled. There are, drumroll please, monsters down here. 

And speak of the devil. Oh, devils. Be right back.

Great, some more ink. Ha. But anyway, you have to have your eyes peeled, they're seeking for people anywhere, and everywhere. Still don't know how they got down here, but I'll have to find out later.

Ugh, out of that beautiful ink. Oh don't be scared, This cave really changes a man. Or woman, whoever you are. But for where you'll sleep, it's East from that jagged rock I was talking, er, writing about earlier. 

Oh lord, there is more of them. Excuse me, let me go say "Hi" to my guests.

You know, zombie flesh isn't half bad when you run out of mushrooms for a while. Sure is better.... than....the mushrooms.... *falls on the book*


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12/07/2015 2:43 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
Nice writing, I like the cynical undertone in this piece. It suits the situation well so nice job om that.

Good luck with the contest although you're competition!
12/16/2015 4:03 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
jayjel's Avatar
Thanks! ^-^
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