Minecraft Blogs / Let's Play

Survival blog series (2)

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illager's Avatar illager
Level 58 : Grandmaster Meme Theorist
following from the end of last blog, im making this addition. i began by clicking the play button as usual... little did i know... by clicking that particular button... i had enabled myself to join the world (pause for drama)!! actually, although my attempts were there, that opening is just cringe worthy. i spawned as usual and i took the remainder of my torches (a feeble 16) and strip mined with them, but to no luck in the diamond department. i then recalled that villager shepherds would give emeralds for wool, and sought to make a sheep farm. before doing this however i made a simple crop farm, and a "hopper house" that i am still very prod of as a write this. it was a meek little 5X5 hut that was made of acacia bark and its respective planks. the hut had a furnace, crafting bench and a composter hooked up to a hopper. i used this on any spare seeds i got from my aforementioned crop farm. i was on a farm spree, and made the promised sheep farm (and nearly died as a group of zombies attacked me at night), and then decided to make a melon farm, as it could fuel my composter. i made a melon farm, with 3 rows devoted to melons, and one to pumpkins.... i was being very busy that day. i went and used some of my remaining diamonds to make a pickaxe of pure diamond! and gained obsidian to make a portal to the dreaded nether! i also made an enchantment table, sadly i only gained the power of efficiency on level 1. i had no bookshelves. after seeing the wretched spawn within a soul sand vally, i left the nether, but took note of the fortress not 50 blocks away. later after realizing it was really a good way to progress... i returned to the infernal landscape, only to be chased around by several wither skeletons, and hit by a dozen blaze balls! i had run on my humble meter-long legs, until i found myself stuck on 1 of the outshooting fortress walkways. a dead-end walkway. i had to jump, and i survived the fall down. i tried to get my way back to the portal, but couldnt, before a stray wither skeleton hit me in the chest, causing my demise. i later recovered my possessions, including my precious pick!
(shown is an image of me, after i regained my loot. note i hadnt any armour on due to me not having equipped it yet)

the next few days were spend mildly in-game... i farmed and sheared my sheep, knowing that the several stacks of wool i had gained over the time would pay me nicely once i finally made a loom. i also spent some time gaining more diamonds, and books to make a better enchanting setup. after a while i stopped putting off the righteous work, and made a pit underground, for the villagers. the pit had 12 spaces for villagers, but i then put 2 more in, as i decided i wanted to fot all 13 job stations. the extra 1 of the now 14 cubicles would later be used for a spare villager, likely a fletcher or 2nd shepherd. i then got to work making a boat, and after forgetting i didnt have to make a shovel to fulfiil the crafting recipe on java, got to work getting 2 slaves to begin breeding. i continued this until i had enough villagers, but they didnt stop there. they kept up bredding until i had 2 spares. i am unsure even now what to do with them. they also spawned 2 iron golems in my cow pen-despite the pen being above their underground basement home.
(shown is me struggling to kill off a golem)

i later shoved the nasty villagers into the workrooms, forgetting not to put books within the librarians space. it makes them work faster, if they have bookshelves. i finally finishe with the unwilling workforce, and now i will end this blog. i hope you mates enjoyed! have a lovely and blessed day!

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06/30/2023 7:58 pm
Level 42 : Master Wolf Wolf
ItzOrangey's Avatar
What are you going to do when you find a pillager outpost and your friends are trying to kill you?
07/01/2023 5:18 am
Level 20 : Expert Zombie
L33's Avatar
there not gonna kill him (maybe idk)
he probally has some mod installed that makes the frendliy to players or somethin
07/01/2023 9:19 am
He/Him • Level 58 : Grandmaster Meme Theorist
illager's Avatar
i dont have any mods on. the only things extra are 2 datapacks; 1 that makes illusioners spawn and gives them better AI, and a 2nd that lets channeling work in any weather.
07/01/2023 9:39 am
Level 20 : Expert Zombie
L33's Avatar
oh k
so theyll atack u
07/01/2023 10:20 am
He/Him • Level 58 : Grandmaster Meme Theorist
illager's Avatar
indeed they will..... maybe i ought not have buffed illusioners
06/30/2023 4:52 pm
Level 20 : Expert Zombie
L33's Avatar
3 and a half hearts oooo
06/30/2023 4:56 pm
He/Him • Level 58 : Grandmaster Meme Theorist
illager's Avatar
07/01/2023 5:17 am
Level 20 : Expert Zombie
L33's Avatar
not even once, twice lol
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