This Blog is an entry in the completed Summer Vacation Community Event.

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Sunny Beaches and Heavenly Bodies

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DiggerMcGee's Avatar DiggerMcGee
Level 56 : Grandmaster Engineer
Lake Ohrid, Republic of MacedoniaLake Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia
Summertime is a time to get outside and enjoy the scenery. There are some amazing places all around us. I have had the good fortune to travel a bit to see a few sights beyond my backyard. One of my favorite places to go is the beach. Whether crowded or empty, there is something that fills the soul when you are at the waterfront.
Nags Head sunrise
Nags Head Sunrise
A special treat is to get up early (or even stay up late) to watch to sun come up to greet the waves. As it rises, you begin to get a sense of the day and the hope of what it may bring. Colors begin to burst into hues of red, orange and blue.
Bar Harbor at dawn
Sunrise over Frenchman's Bay, Bar Harbor, Maine
Sandspipers at Pine Island
Sandpipers at Pine Island, Forida
The sounds of the surf on the shore and the birds flying above in the cool breeze blowing in off the water create an exhilarating feeling deep inside. Soon the sun rises higher and the multitude of colors begin to give way to the brightness and heat of the day. Now is the time to go into the water and play!Montrose Beach, Scotland
The beach at Montrose, Scotland
Champagne Sunset, Dunedin, Florida
At the end of a good beach day, you can do the reverse and
catch a champagne sunset as the colors move into the golden range and nature begins to quiet down for a good nights rest. If you are lucky enough, you may even see the green flash as the last glimmer of sunlight passes below the horizon.

Full moon in my own backyard
Next, a brilliant heavenly orb shows his face to watch over the creatures below. The Moon, that old familiar friend of the night, looms mysterious and glamorous over land and sea. It has been a glorious day to be at the beach!

CreditAll original work

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Nitrox Nova
08/01/2019 3:34 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Robot
Nitrox Nova's Avatar
wow, these pictures are so beautiful! I love sunsets, never up early enough for the rise lol. Looks like you've been to many wonderful places, thanks for sharing with us ^^
08/01/2019 3:58 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Engineer
DiggerMcGee's Avatar
Thanks! Yes, between work and family, I have been fortunate enough to travel a little. I'll have to do another story soon with more photos...
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