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Suggestions for PMC

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NewBoss3234's Avatar NewBoss3234
Level 9 : Apprentice Blacksmith
A CAPTCHA for registry

You probably don't know what a CAPTCHA is, so I'll explain what it is. A CAPTCHA is a system that determines human site-users from computer-generated accounts meant for advertisement, virus spreading, and purely annoying people. Often times on less popular minecraft posts, people advertise things like "Hey, I just got a brand-new Minecraft Premium account at -Ad link removed-" These are spam, and are generally flagged. When you check that bot's account, you'll see they just joined that very day, and they've only posted that one thing, and only will. Sometimes, there are actual posts made by these bots, they act like they're actual people, but aren't. They advertise fake sites regarding that same premium account nonsense. On YouTube, the same stuff happens, but the spam is much worse.

Separate pages for Plugins, Mods, Games, Modpacks, Client Mods, Tools, and Modmakers

Seriously, I can't even figure out where to begin here. The "Mods" page is overloaded with Games, Plugins, Client Mods, Tools, and Modmakers. These are all entirely separate things, so they should belong in different categories.

The end!

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12/30/2013 4:09 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Archer
Chetcat's Avatar
There is an entire forum section for suggestions.
12/30/2013 3:27 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Scribe
Jiloacom's Avatar
They already have a basic captcha, it's the "What ores are in vanilla Minecraft?" question.
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