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Strategy I Use With Public Schools To Ensure We Receive FAPE

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Oona_Luna's Avatar Oona_Luna
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
During meetings such as 504 meetings, IEP meetings, parent teacher conference meetings, etc, the staff makes a parent repeat themselves to the extent that cognitively, by the time the parent can navigate the conversational distractions and diversions made by staff who is going to great lengths to avoid answering parental questions, the parent can't remember what their important talking points were. When staff gaslights the parent and prevents them from asking the critical questions they are able to disregard the students' educational rights while document it as having been addressed (when it actually has not been).
THIS IS WHY I RECORD THESE MEETINGS-- so that I can go back to the staff and say/write "no, we did NOT agree to that, I did not say that". Or "no, you did not offer that intervention, we were not told we had that option".... etc. If I don't have that recording, their lies will be the "facts" that are on record, because they have relied on scrambling the minds of the parents. When you record the interaction, you can go back and listen to the recording. You can even make notes on time stamps and send the school the clips that show what teachers and principles and interventionists *actually* said.
Schools don't like when I do this. But I do it. I must!
#SpecialEducation #PublicSchool #COVID19 #Pandemic #Education #IEP #504 #disability #Autism

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11/07/2023 1:55 pm
Level 41 : Master Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
Sadly this sort of thing is all too commonly necessary when dealing with any sort of bureaucratic organization…

I'm a bit surprised they allowed the recording.
11/07/2023 2:04 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
Oona_Luna's Avatar
For me, it's an accessibility issue because of cognitive disabilities that I have and low working memory. Technically you can request that an IEP meeting be recorded. Before IEP meetings, by law, the school must provide the parents with a document called "Procedural Safeguards". Within it, are all the parental and students rights.
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