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Story Time: Big Sister!

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PureAzure's Avatar PureAzure
Level 27 : Expert Artist
Hey guys, I'm starting this new thing called 'Story Time' and it's when I make stories about some fun topics. Try to guess what topics I used!!

Kelly smiled at her work. She only spent 6 days on it anyways. It wasn't bad for a 5 year old. It was National Siblings Day, and she thought of making a great drawing for her big sister, Jenna. She was of course, 14, so she was practically a teen. She hugged it close and started running to her sister's room. "Jeeena!" Kelly said knocking. "Go away." Said a voice. "Aww, please?!" Kelly said frowning. "I SAID GO AWAY YOU STUPID GIRL, I'M BUSY!" Jenna screamed through the door. Kelly backed away and held her picture. "Fine." She murmured as she felt tears fill up in her eyes. She dropped her picture as she ran to the safety of her pink room. "Why can't she appreciate me as a sister now?" Kelly cried into her pillow.

Jenna regretted shooing her little sister away like that. She really didn't mean harm to be honest. She was just creating something for her on National Siblings Day. She slowly got up as she picked up her paper cut-outs of them. She slowly opened her door to find her sister's drawing. It was kind of an abstract-looking thing. She slowly picked it up, and heard soft sobs in Kelly's room. Jenna knocked softly on Kelly's door. "Kelly?" She said holding both National Siblings Day items in one hand. "Go away!" Kelly said on the other side. This hurt Jenna. "Kelly, come on.." Jenna said opening the door. "I got something for you." She giggled hiding the cut-outs behind her back. "What." Kelly blankly said looking at Jenna with dull blue eyes. "Here, Happy National Siblings Day."Jenna said extending her arm. Kelly's eyes widened as she slowly reached for the cut-outs. Tears of joy welled up in her eyes as she embraced Jenna in a hug. "I love you sis!" She said in-between sobs. "I love you too." Jenna said closing her eyes smiling.

ADORBS OMG XD, have a great day, love your siblings!!


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07/12/2016 7:47 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Cake
stella's Avatar
Aww thats bittersweet xD
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