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story buh CHAPTER 2!!!

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DaParrot's Avatar DaParrot
Level 35 : Artisan Sus
Ok I finished chap 2 and I've made sum drawings for it!

“Lets see, 8 hours have passed by and i've gone seven miles, UGH! My stupid leg!” he yells frustrated because he can't go any faster due to his leg injury. “It's gonna take me days to get there!” He slowly walks across the seemingly endless shrub covered valley floor. The mountains in the distance do not seem to move any closer.

The Sun once again relatively low in the sky making the dust glow a light brown. Giving contrast to the blue layers above. The waxing crescent moon peeks over the massive volcano. Finally he makes it to the far side of the ridge. Once again the sky shifts its colors as the sun inches farther down. The faint image of earth's shadow is cats onto the cloudless eastern sky.

As he walks up the ridge, more on the other side comes into view. Finally reaching the top the curve of the earth no longer blocks his view. He sees what he's been looking for this whole time hidden under the smoke. “VALMORE!!!” he screams in disbelief. “I should have known by the volcano!” The scrub to the right begins to rustle…

“Whos there, I have a rail gun!” he yells out of fear. A Citipati jumps out of the bushes and runs toward the west. “Bruh i thought it was-” he is interrupted by the sounds of jets. “What are those things fallin- oh shit.” Carl tries to run as fast as he can, but on the first step he trips and falls. He gets back up and starts limping as fast as he can towards the city he used to call home. He hides and waits for the whole fleet to pass over.

They dropped three bombs on a group of Citipati killing all of them. Carl went over to the remains and grabbed as much meat as he could. He walked through the city until he reached downtown. “HELLO!!!” (echoes back) The city is almost completely deserted. He finds a fire still burning and grabs an iron rod that was laying around and starts cooking the Citipati that he collected to eat.

“I haven't eaten in forever! mMMmMm!!!!” His quiet eating time is interrupted by the ear piercing sound of gunshot nearby. Turning around to see what it was he sees two cars speed down one of the streets in the distance. “I guess I'm not staying here for long.” The sun has set and the Milky Way blankets the sky even in the middle of the city.

The whole city is without power so the stars and moon shine the brightest they can among the void of deep space. He walks through the streets trying to remember where he used to live. Looking at house after house in an endless maze of streets. Brachiosurus cross through the houses and stick out of the suburbs like skyscrapers in the middle of a flat desert.

One of the mountains in the distance glows an erie orange with fire. Lighting up part of the deep black sky and illuminating some low lying clouds. Carl comes across a street with a cellular tower lying on top of it. “The house that the tip has crushed looks kind of familiar” Carl thought to himself. He looked at the house number and all at once hundreds of memories raced through his head.

He was home. Ducking under metal bars and satellite dishes, he entered the house to find that no one was home. Unsurprised he looked around for anything he could find. As he rummages through the drawers and cabinets he hears rustling in the hedges on the side of the house. Immediately he pulls out his railgun and goes to investigate.

“Whos Th-There!?” he yells nervously. Inside from the hedges is a glowing pair of red eyes. In the blink of an eye an arm comes out of the bushes and pulls him in. A large silhouette about twice as tall as Carl (maybe 6ft tall) begins to speak. “You!?” She says surprisingly. Shining a flashlight on her, Carl shouts “ROXANNE!?”

“Shut up!” she whispers, holding his mouth shut. “There coming”

“Who?” Carl asks.

“The caretakers…” she says fearfully.

“Who?!” he asks again.

“They clean out the city of anyone who isn't their kind.”she tells him.

“What do you mean by their KIND?” he asks.

“The utah” she pauses for a moment as if thinking if she shouldn't tell him. “They took everything, our homes, our money, our kids, everything that anyone loved or needed was taken away. They call it “Caring for the city” murdering anyone who has not descended from the rockies of the west continent.”

“So they're just killing everyone who isn't a utahraptor?”

“Correct, my species is the only one that can put up a decent fight against them besides austroraptor, but they don't like to fight.” she told him.

“They're still doing that shit, But worse now!?” he said angrily.

“Sadly” she replied. “Their plan is to get every single one of “there kind” out of valmore, and once they do that they're going to burn the city from the outside in to trap anyone still left inside. They see us as just some other animal as always.”

The sound of tanks rolling across the road slowly approaches. The body armor of the troops glistens in the light of the low lying moon stained brown by the dust. “Uh, you know I have this really good idea called getting the fuck outta here.” said Carl. Then they went through the overgrown alleyways behind the yards.

Walking carefully, they turn the corner to find a pile of skulls ablaze surrounded by at least 10 armored caretakers. They all stood and stared at Carl and Roxanne for a few seconds until Carl said “Drop your weapons!!” pulling out his railgun. They all immediately opened fire on the both of them.

story buh CHAPTER 2!!!

I hope you enjoyed it!! Keep an eye out for chapter 3!!!

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02/28/2022 8:41 am
Level 45 : Master Dragonborn
LucisFerrer's Avatar
puzzling,but good story.
(maybe should slow down the plot line...)
02/28/2022 12:07 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Button Pusher
Dan_TheChair's Avatar
The detail is impeccable :0
02/28/2022 12:15 am
Level 35 : Artisan Sus
DaParrot's Avatar
tank u : )
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