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Story #1 [The Nether]

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Skine_'s Avatar Skine_
Level 23 : Expert Dragon
Hello everyone, and welcome to my first ever story i have written!  I wa bored one day and I decided to write a book and i made a short story about the nether sort of!  If you guys like it don't forget to Diamond, Like, and Subscribe for MORE!


~The Nether~
Day 1
Today is a new day for this kingdom and a new journal book!
We have found a mysteries piece of floating land in the middle of no where.
We searched it but we found nothing, so it was a piece of unclaimed land for our kingdom to rule!
We have started building a small walled city with about 2-3 rooms underground,
we all knew it wasent going to be a big town or even settlement.
Every one thought it was a good place to live!

Day 6
Its been a while since I wrote in this book and i have a lot of good news to say, no bad news at all!
We have built our walls, so we can be more protected, and people are enjoying it here,
even if its a small town!

Day 16
Today was an even better day! Today we managed to get a horse and a donky from a local trader,
that goes from kingdom to kingdom to sell his wares! We also got some nice shiny diamond horse armour,
so he can be protected as well.

Day 47
Been a while since I wrote in this journal! Got good and bad news today...
Today we got raided at night from a few bandits, robbing us of half of our food supply!
The worst part of it they killed the donkey and took its meat, and leather and we were all very sad!
But we got back up and started rebuilding and hoping for the best!

Day 83
So we all found out there is not that much resources of this little island, so we have to work
with what we got and we are ok with that! We have kept going deeper and deeper into the island 
hoping to find some loot, but we found none so far!

Day 135
Today we have found this black sqaure thing, with the hardest kind of rock I have ever seen!
We tryed to mine it with wood, stone, and iron. But none of those worked at all, so we all
agreed we have to get diamonds to mine it!

Day 234
Today some ones torch as fallen on the black sqaure object, lighting it up all purplie and no one
knows what it is! When ever we throw something in it, the item disappers and its gone forever!

Day 305
Its has been a week since my friend Jack has jumped into the portal to another world and has
not return. We are all praying for him to come back but he has not!

Day 385
It has been a while since Jack has came back and there has been a court order that there shall
be no more look outs waiting for him to come out of there! Every one was disapointed and I could
see his parents walking home crying!

Day 456
Today is the day I had enough of this portal, so I decided to jump into it my self! Every one is
begging me not to, and I could see the tears on my parents, but I must see if Jack is still

Day 567
It has been forever since I been in the other world looking for Jack! This place is to hot! It is
a burning hell! You can not get water he it will just vanish, but the natives around here
seem friendly!

Day 602
I have finally made it back to the portal hoping that every one will be there waiting for me and we
can all get back together!

Day 652
...ITS ALL OVER!!!! Some idiot made the natives mad in the other world and they said they are taking
over our town now! We tryed to beg them to stop but they just shut the portal down!

Day 708
I am the only survivor of this town know! I have to survive to put out the portal! If I die and 
my parents are still alive and they have this book...I just wanted to say. I Love Y.....

Day 732
...The end is near i managed to close the portal but not only that, I have touched the portal to many
times and my skin it turning black, and grey and I am starting to make the same particals of my
body like the portal did!

Day 754
I can feel my mind being tooken over from this curse. I just hope my family and my friends are...

Day 759
I guess this is it, its all over from here! I guess this is the last journal writing! So i guess see
all of you guys later!

This is my first ever short story so please comments and tell me what you guys think fo it!
Feedback is always wanted!
If you want more of this please give me ideas!

If you would like to give me some ideas for a story to write and I will give you credit also for giving me the idea to write it!
Contact me at PMC on my account here or on Minecraft forum at UltimateBuilds also!
Hope to see you give me some amazing ideas and that you all for the support so far!
CreditMy head!

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Skine_ 03/31/2014 10:27:09 amMar 31st, 2014

Added some more text--> idea area on where to contect me for ideas!

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03/31/2014 10:52 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
GhostRiderMC's Avatar
Good story,I love it! I hope you will add more,and maybe I could build something uot of this.....
03/31/2014 12:54 pm
Level 23 : Expert Dragon
Skine_'s Avatar
Thank you for the feedback!  I will add more maybe when i can fidn something else to write, might be about the end next!
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