This Blog is an entry in the completed LEGO Minecraft Cave Hanger Contest.

Minecraft Blogs / Story

Steve's Mining Trip

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JoeLeBlancMC's Avatar JoeLeBlancMC
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
Steve finally realized he had to use an iron pick to mine the ore, climbed his ladder and got one from his chest. Meanwhile, down below, a spider and zombie plotted how to get him! As Steve mined, the mobs crept closer... and closer.
     Steve paused, spun around, and saw two small villager children in, what were clearly, homemade costumes. One was a spider, (wearing red face paint, making it look as it he had six eyes) the other a zombie (with green face paint smeared random spots on his face) "Hewwo, mistow Steve!" they called out simultaneously. "Kids! You NEED to be more careful when you're in a mine!" Steve yelled. "Oh, sowwy, mistow Steve. OH! We wanted to tell you... HAPPY HAYOWEEN!" Both the kids giggled. "Oh, uh... i-it's already the 31st??" Steve asked. He had been in the mine since the 15th.
   "Yep!" they replied. "Oh... well here's some ore. Just, please, dont eat it this time?" he pleaded, exahaustingly, remembering last Halloween when they ate redstone and glowed for weeks. "OK, mistow Steve." They skipped off home through the cave.

                THE END


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