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Ender Sparkle's Avatar Ender Sparkle
Level 43 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
The theory of us existing in a multiverse is a very popular topic. 2 Spiderman movies, having Miles Morales as the main character are clearly based on that trope. Some fanbases, including Undertale or The Amazing Digital Circus are also making alternate universes of their favourite franchise. Why won't I make a multiverse of my own then?


Ender Sparkle #677
Universe: Original
The one where it all started from in July 2018. Original idea was supposed that E.S. is Alex infected with Ender disease, but as lore progressed with Minecraft Dungeons' release, that idea was discarded, and Ender Sparkle became an Ender Dragon fro the start. 5 years later, in finalized, confirmed lore story series, Ender Sparkle was 100% Ender Dragon.

Ender Sparkle #766 (Ender Sombra)
Universe: Genderswapped
First mentioned in this post by Quantis63, he is everything you would expect basing on his origin universe. Has humor darker than his scales (for comparison, Ender Sparkle #677 has humor as dark as her scales) and prefers to wear "stereotypical vampire" suit and an indigo pterodactyl pin.

Ender Sparkle #571
Universe: Origin Fate
What would look like an universe that is stuck in 2018 with my ideas from that time? Eh, nostalgia... there was no Coronavirus, no worries... This is the time I started playing Minecraft, at the release day of 1.13. I remember constantly refreshing the launcher, waiting impatiently for 1.13, being disappointed again and again with seeing 1.12.2. But enough talking, let's introduce to you Origin Fate Ender Sparkle.

The story starts with Alex spawning in the world. She basically beats Minecraft, like a normal player would. Alex improves the quality of life in the Craftville (very original name), goes to the nether and returns with new resources. After reading a weird book explaining how to get into a seemingly fictional dimension and how to survive in it, Alex prepares for her adventure. She manages to conjure Eyes of Ender, which show her may to the stronghold, where are they destined to be. The journey was long, stronghold corridors were like a maze, but eventually, the portal was spotted, activated and used. Alex found herself on a huge floating island full of Endermen. She saw the Ender Dragon soaring in the void, and she just felt she needs to kill Jean just because. The battle was won by Alex, but there was something wrong. Last bite of the Ender Dragon had a poison no one ever got bitten by. After Jean completely disappeared, Alex's body began to change. She turned into a miniature Ender Dragon. She instantly felt guilty, although she didn't know why. It was hard to reclaim the trust of the Craftville, but eventually it was regained. But Alex wasn't Alex anymore. She needed a new name. And that name was... Ender Sparkle.

Ender Sparkle #2496 (Ender Fartkles)
Universe: Goofball.exe Sparkiverse Nexus
Only known image
A mostly joke character heavily suggested by Sejund and Witheringsans. I made up some background to it because I can.

An unknown person created a virus named Goofball.exe. It managed to infiltrate the Hyperverse (A place where all fictional world multiverses reside), including the Sparkiverse. The virus corrupted one of the free AU spaces there and began its infestation. Goofball.exe is an AU infecting virus, which turns all characters into viral drones, which disguise themselves as the dumber and goofier version of their original hosts. This AU was hardly mentioned, so it's not considered dangerous.

Ender Sparkle #728 (Wither Sparx)
Universe: Withered Armageddon (Darkest Timeline)
This is the "Darkest Timeline" AU of the Sparkiverse. In first days of work as Professor Steve's assistant, Ender Sparkle goes to a Nether expedition all by herself and meets Wither King first time. Because Enderians and Withered Undead are mortal enemies, after an awkward moment of silence and examination they both fight. Normally, Ender Sparkde wins the fight and reported her encounter to Professor Steve, while Wither King ran away. But here, that's not the case. He harmed E.S. to the point she passed out. She woke up in the medbay with Professor Steve asking if E.S. is feeling okay. He explains that scans show that there is an unknown disease in Ender's body. She downplays the warning, saying that Enderian genome that's so poorly researched that it's still classified as a disease. E.S. gets meaner and meaner everyday. Once her scales started to melt, leaving black, infectious tar wherever she went and whatever she touched. She also wanted to get into the Nether more and more often, until one day, Ender Sparkle didn't return. Our dragon went to a coast of the lava ocean, and shed away everything she had on herself, leaving only a withered dragon skeleton behind. Wither King saw her, so he approached and proposed a job in his Withered Empire. Ender Sparkle, or rather Wither Sparx rejected her past life and affilated herself to Wither King and Wither King only. One year later, W.S. became Wither King's most loyal soldier, general and assassin. Her first mission was to kill the resque squad that was looking for her. She succeeded. After this, W.S. started to hate humans. And the living. And everything that wasn't withered. She proposed to W.K. to start invading everything that's not Wither. He agreed. He started to realize it. This AU is rarely mentioned, but is still considered to be dangerous.

Ender Sparkle #921
Universe: TBA
TBA (I wrote this here to know that this is taken for something special...)

Ender Sparkle #1347
Universe: TBA
TBA (another spot claimed for another project that is about tę be rebooted

Ender Sparkle #736A (CyberSparx)
Universe: Physical Cyberverse
There isn't much info on CyberSparx, aside from being a cybernetic version of original Ender Sparkle. She is basically E.S., but with cybernetic implants.

Ender Sparkle #736B (DigiSparx.exe)
Universe: Digital Cyberverse
DO NOT CONFUSE with Ender Sparkle#2496 (Ender Fartkles)
What would look like a fully digital realm look like? No, I don't mean [​SPOILER]! This AU is more like an AU of the Internet than from the Sparkiverse. E.S. #677 can hop into the Internet while still being in her material form. Sparkiverse Iteration #736B on the other hand is fully digital, and all its inhabitants are only digital souls (again, not like in [​SPOILER] ). Aside from that, Ender Sparkle #736B has exactly same personality as the #677.

Ender Sparkle #32 (Ptenderanodon)
Universe: Fossilis (Everyone is in a species that is extinct from [​SPOILER])
The universe title is self-explanatory.

Ender Sparkle #4891(Sparkimorph)
Universe: Grand Xenomorph War
Yes, this universe's Ender Sparkle failed this battle... But the alien at least managed to try to become more civilized when its universal rift opened.

Ender Sparkle #6035
Universe: [​Medium Change AU]

When you look at this version of E.S., at first no difference can be spotted. But as the research/interview/whatever time flies, some oddities can be spotted. That surreal, mischievous grin... is unsettling.

Ender Sparkle #784B
Universe: Faunae (Universe where everyone is an animal from [​SPOILER], variant B)

Ender Sparkle #318
Universe: [​Coming Soon]
Yet another project. This time it will be actually on PMC tho.

Minor Change AUs

There is TOO much of them. Like the universe where E.S. is a part of Travisa Inc. (no offense), if Villagers were actual humans or where silverfish don't exist. These changes don't do major changes in background stories in their respective versions of our favourite humanoid Ender Dragon. There are also Medium Change AUs, where they will be properly classified an described.

Hybrid AUs
There is... a lot of this stuff. A good example of a Hybrid AU is SwapFell from Undertale. You can go WILD here; create possibly infinite combinations!

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05/11/2024 10:52 am
Level 31 : Artisan Goblin
bigotato's Avatar
Ender sparkle lore discovered! though I wonder what the sparkle means... maybe if I look closer
Ender Sparkle
05/11/2024 11:07 am
She/Her • Level 43 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
Ender Sparkle's Avatar
It's not only Ender Sparkle lore, it's just my own multiverse. There is MORE, awaiting.
Planet Minecraft


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