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Some Minecraft News! :) Minecraft 1.9

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Mooknkoyo's Avatar Mooknkoyo
Level 36 : Artisan Geek
Hello people of Planet Minecraft and welcome to Minecraft News with your host Mooknkoyo.

Hello my name is Mooknkoyo, and as you've all heard, Minecraft 1.9 is coming out! We are one step closer to Minecraft 2.0! Such as the new feature that alot of people would have loved to see in past updates! And that feature is Dual Wielding! You want to pillar up with blocks and ladders? DUAL WIELDING! Want to see how many arrows you have, but don't want to take anything else out of your hotbar? DUAL WIELDING! Sword, and SWORD?! DUAL WIELDING! 

But now for something also really great! Spectral and Effect Arrows! Spectral arrows now allow you to shoot and see your enemy, the enemy will be highlighted in white allowing you to see it through walls! And effect arrows allow you to say shoot a regeneration arrow at your friend! Or a healing potion at a Zombie (or at your friend)! Or even make your friend invisible for a faction raid!

But there are also now shields! Using the new dual wielding mechanic you will be able to dual wield a shield to block attacks and a sword to attack! Allowing you to do this: (Block) (Swing) (Block) (Swing) (Block) (Swing) very intresting as I do say so myself!

A couple other small things to go! Say if you right click grass with your shovel, you get a little road thing! A new type of potion that lingers on your target! A new item called Dragon's Breath?! New items called End Rods! Beetroot, beetroot seeds, and beetroot soup?! A new mob possibly part of the ender family called a Shulker? Chorus Plant and Fruit (Chorus Fruit WILL teleport you to a different area)! Ender dragon heads?! Multiple boss bars if more than 1 boss is in an area! Boats don't break as easily (finally)! 

And a city in the ___?

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