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nulljfried's Avatar nulljfried
Level 15 : Journeyman Dragon
its cold out

its been a while since its been this cold, so it comes as a surprise, i guess. but then again, not really. you knew this time would come, when it'd snow again.
there's not much you can do, and it doesn't matter. you'll just sit through the snow in your nice house.

its cold out

nothing has changed since the last time you've written here. it's kind of silly, you think, to write about how nothing's changed. maybe it's just a small update, to remind you how you're still going to write here.
but it doesn't matter. nothing has changed, it's still cold

its cold out

the sun sounds nice after a whole month of it not being around. maybe you were too harsh to it, thinking its heat was annoying and everything. maybe you should apologize, but they're gone now. they wouldn't hear you.
nothing has changed as if time is standing still, and the snow is building up.
you have to use a lot of strength to open the door. you're sure this'll be over in a week or so.

its cold out

you feel bad, but you're not sure why though. maybe it's just the temperature. you've run out of wood for the fire, so it's going to start dying out now. it'll feel colder, even though nothing has changed. but you're okay with that. it doesn't matter to you.

its cold out

that phrase is getting old now. again, same old same old. you have a lot of food, but what does it matter. you could survive off of nothing if you wanted to.

its cold out

you dont want to leave. you feel safe now after all this time being here. but something deep below you says it isn't right. who did you want to apologize to?

its cold out

everywhere but inside, its cold. you wouldn't leave even if you could.


its cold out

you know that already

its cold out

you don't have to say it is

its cold out

you dont care

its warm inside

you shouldn't have left, and you're regretting everything. but facing the cold feels right.

its freezing

everything is fading away. why did you do this to yourself. you didn't deserve this, you should've stayed inside

you're almost there now

the door is locked

you're trapped

you feel cold

why didn't you listen to me

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