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User4391770G's Avatar User4391770G
Level 13 : Journeyman Collective
so its been awhile sence i played mc survival just for fun so i deiceded to fire up the latest snapshot (24w10a BTW) to test out some of the new 1.21 features. and about 2 days into the world i stumbeled upon a jungle biome and i saw tons of cows and sheep in it. sooo i went in and killed the cows and as i was getting finished i saw 2 cows die right infront of me. and i thought it was a glich until... i look back into the recording and for just 1 frame i saw the blury white and brown figure in the distence... the same you see now... if you want to show me you saw the same thing or other weird things just message me in a letter and i will see it. until then... see you next time! bye bye!
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