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Sluggies fort build near crocodile isle new remote land mystical mountains and my previous builds places.

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aghostess's Avatar aghostess
Level 32 : Artisan Explorer
The sluggies fortress is a new area I decided to work on.
within sluggies fort there is a lava cauldron under ground.
I am starting with the base build.
The location is within mystical mountains in a new area I am calling crocidile isle.
crocidile isle is a mountain top over the boof head sea.
sluggies fortress is my new build.
from the ocean sluggies fortress is based right next to crocidile isle.
located near sluggies woods peak.
this land is located west of the map .
on top of coridile isle peak ther will be a fortress base located in that mountain top.
as I been following my last few build locations on this map that Ozralia was my very first build of a villa there wih farming land.
south of Ozralia is fungii base with underground pyramids made of cobblestone.
going off map way down south is assiffs desert and ghost bay and ghost desert.
many structures of pyramids are located in these deserts.
going up north just over ozralia is north morpheona which has a jungle base.
north east is moo moo farm plains.
east of ozralia is grollo fortress which is a huge fortress located next to the swamps and plains and quarry mine base.
I am having a new colony on this mystical mountains landwhere crocidile isle and sluggies fortress will be built.
wish me luck!

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