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SkyTowns: City of Cirrus |Chapter One|

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Level 48 : Master Architect
SkyTowns: City of Cirrus |Chapter One|

Story Information
SkyTowns is a custom concept for a map by Cirrus. It is a Skyblock-style map that incorporates factions for cooperative and competitive play, and follows a fantasy-style plot line. This blog showcases the map, as well as adds a narrative to our story. I will be uploading this blog in chapter format, and perhaps tying it in with story events on our server. I hope you enjoy following the mystery, and hopefully you'll check out our map as well! Which faction would YOU choose?

Chapter One


tiny seed

You are gone to the tree.*

Jaz bolted upright in her bed. It was just another night in a series of restless nights. Despite anything she tried, she could not shake the sensation that she was falling, and abruptly crashing back to the earth on her bed. ‘What must have happened on the day we landed back here?’ she wondered to herself.

She glanced out the window. The sky was still dark, illuminated by the moon directly overhead. The monsters began to emerge from the shadows, creeping across the island’s terrain. She surely wouldn’t be able to sleep now. Rubbing her tired eyes, she let gravity pull herself out of bed and lit the torches in her room. ‘If you can’t sleep, you may as well get a head start on chopping the wood for the day,’ she sighed, exhaustedly.

This was her life since the Dark Oak guild landed back on their home cloud island. They were so fortunate that some saplings and dirt survived the crash. The guild’s merchants survived as well, so at least they still had their wares to peddle. Some minor expansion options could still be available. With enough lumber, they might be able to rebuild. Every day, Jaz woke up. She toppled the mighty canopied trees to the ground, collected seeds to replant, and some apples to satiate her hunger. Extra refined wood could be traded to the merchants for timber, which could be used as currency to buy more axes, dirt, or even extra food rations. It wasn’t the most exciting life, but this was what needed to be done to try and rebuild.

Well that, and trying to connect the bridges again.

SkyTowns: City of Cirrus |Chapter One|

Jaz couldn’t remember what had happened that broke the bridge. It must have happened on that day. But either way, she knew that reconnecting to Cirrus was absolutely necessary. And it would be the only way to see if her friends were okay. Az… Rosie… Maddox… Saviello… she couldn’t help but wonder if any of them had suffered a fate much worse than hers.

But she couldn’t get sidetracked worrying about her friends. Dark Oak’s guild was barely surviving under the current conditions. They would need a steady supply of ores and food to continue to grow. She could be expecting some new recruits any day now, and wouldn’t have enough to feed them. The bridge was absolutely the top priority.

Jaz leaned her axe up against the guild’s last tree and wiped her forehead with the collar of her shirt. The sun had just risen above the horizon of the island. With large, dusky lumber in her arms, she made her way over to the guild gate, passing the guard tower and the merchant’s stall on the way.

“Need any timber today?” the merchant called over from behind their shop counters.

“Not today,” Jaz replied, a little strain in her voice from hauling such heavy wood. “Though I am definitely jealous of your shade.”

“Are you off to work on the bridge again?” They got up from their seat and slowly paced to the front of the booth. “Take these with you.” They grabbed some small, personal-sized dessert pastries from the front merchandise display. “I know it’s a long journey to get to the end of the bridge. Hopefully these can hold you over.”

“Thanks, Merk,” Jaz replied as she gladly accepted the pastries. They were still warm to the touch, and she could smell the scent of fresh-baked apples radiating from the oven behind the market stall. She would look forward to biting into it later. “Tell Berk I’ll be back late tonight.” Jaz tucked her rations into her satchel and proceeded to the guild gate.

SkyTowns: City of Cirrus |Chapter One|

She must have been walking for hours. For so long, everything in the horizon was so painfully monotonous. She had no memory of the fact that she had already eaten the pastries that Merk gave her aside from crumbs that remained at the corner of her mouth. Her stomach was growling again. She continued to walk.

She nearly didn’t even realize that she had made it to the end of the bridge. Taking step after step had become so robotic that she went to take another step forward, and was hit with the sudden realization that there was no more solid ground in front of her. She peered down at the tops of her boots on the edge of the wooden plank bridge and into the infinite void below.

It was time to get to work.

She began to build. And build. And build more. She laid board after board, hammering them down into place as she went. They would have to be sturdy. It was still a long way to Cirrus, and an unstable bridge was the last thing Jaz wanted to worry about. The sun continued to move in the sky overhead. Monsters might spawn on the bridge once it got dark enough, and Jaz didn’t want to be around for when they started to show up.

Jaz went to lay out the next plank when she realized she wasn’t carrying any more. She must have built about a few thousand steps. The bridge felt sturdy, and looked like it was going to hold up. Jaz looked out at the sky in front of her. She still couldn’t see Cirrus in the distance yet. It was disheartening, but she knew she would have to press forward anyway. The bridge needed to be built.

She turned around to start walking back. The sky was a fiery orange, angry over the darkness that was starting to spread. Jaz’s legs were weak from a long day of hard labor and a long night of no sleep. As she went to take her next step, she slipped from fatigue, and hit the bridge hard. It wasn’t wide enough to catch her from her fall, and she toppled off the edge.

The feeling of falling was something she remembered all too well, and wished she didn’t. The wind felt sharp on her face. She tried to move her hands to shield her face, but the pressure was too great. She just continued to fall, contemplating everything that had happened, and her feelings about her friends. She missed them. But they were also the reason she needed to keep pressing forward and working on the bridge. The void beneath her was growing gradually darker. She was almost at the bottom. She was all too familiar with the feeling.

Jaz bolted upright in her bed. It was just another night in a series of restless nights. Despite anything she tried, she could not shake the sensation that she was falling, and abruptly crashing back to the earth on her bed. She had a weird feeling of de ja vu, like she had done this before. Maybe it was a week ago. Maybe it was yesterday. Time was starting to lose meaning since the day that it happened.

Jaz peered out the window. A few torches were lit outside, and she did not spot any monsters yet. She turned over in her bed and closed her eyes, hoping to get a good night’s sleep. She tossed and turned for maybe an hour. ‘You may not rest now,’ she thought to herself. ‘There are monsters nearby.”

She glanced out the window. The sky was still dark, illuminated by the moon directly overhead. The monsters began to emerge from the shadows, creeping across the island’s terrain. She surely wouldn’t be able to sleep now. Rubbing her tired eyes, she let gravity pull herself out of bed and lit the torches in her room. ‘If you can’t sleep, you may as well get a head start on chopping the wood for the day,’ she sighed, exhaustedly.


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