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Skylie has fallen hard...for a cow

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Skylie13's Avatar Skylie13
Level 17 : Journeyman Cake
So, today i decided it was high time i did some more minecraft and explored my survival world some more. I wanted to work through some of the achievements, especially getting some leather from a cow.

Trouble is i hadn't seen any cows on any of my previous scouting missions, or even a pig. Just lots of sheep (I really love sheep because they are so cute and fluffy!) and a few chickens. So i knew i had to explore a lot more before i could check this off the achievements list.

I made some more tools, including my first ever sword! Well, i made four in the end - 2 wooden ones and two stone ones. Then it was time to head off and explorrreeee ^-^

I had no real idea where to look so i headed off vaguely behind my house and kept walking in a straight line or thereabouts, armed with my trusty wooden axe. Eventaully, i heard some sheep baaing and knew/hoped that it meant i was on the right track. So i followed the noises and came out by some water with lots of sheep near it. I swung my head around and just caught sight of something moving behind a tree, that didn't look like a sheep from what i could see.

I walked round there and found my first pig!


Oh wait...

I wanted...


oh dear :(

That's not going to help me with my achievement. Right! Time to get a serious moo-ve on :D

I looked around a little but only saw more pigs and loads more sheep so i decided to walk round the edge of my home island and pick one of the distant ones to continue my search. Eventually, i saw a large one off to my right across the vast sea so i decided to head over there and try it.

I double checked for squids first. I saw one fairly close by but to my left but i decided to go ahead and swim across to the island anyway. It took a few minutes and lots of squid watching but eventually i reached the island and climbed onto it's sandy welcoming mini mountain.

I walked to the top and spotted something moving up ahead so i climbed down the other side and raced towards it. And low and behold, there it is. A COW! YES! Well...two actually which is better still.

I climb the dirt staircase to the first one and whack it till it dies. To my utter disappointment, it dropped beef and nothing else. I slowly look up at the next cow and grin. This one will give me leather for sure! I race up the dirt a little further so i can reach the other one. Happily, i was right and it did indeed drop some leather with it's beef.




Anyway, after a small victory dance, i climb to the very top of the dirt and hunt for more cows. i come across some and get 18 beef pieces and about 8 leather pieces, along with some more bacon from the pigs i also found there.

By this time, it's starting to get dark again and I'm worried i'll die and lose all my spoils, so i race back towards home again.

Having not paid any attention where i headed off from, i was at a loss how to get back to my house. However, after walking round the edge of this new island i spied my home island and swam back across, just about avoiding the squids along the way. Unfortunately, as i landed, a creeper had followed me and i had to attempt to stay alive. This time i was lucky. Then i raced round the corner and straight into two zombies. Once again i had to fight and once again i got lucky and survived.

Flushed with success, i raced up a dirt mountain hoping to get my bearings. I thought i had done so when i heard and saw some more cows. I went towards them and not looking where i was going, headed off the verge down towards them, fell too hard, and...

DIED! (as usual...wait! Who said that? :P) All for a cow!

The end.

And obviously, i lost all the leather i had only just acquired :(

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12/29/2016 3:08 am
Level 31 : Artisan Magical Girl
DestructionE's Avatar
Also, I would recommend going back and fixing some of the grammar. Still good though.
12/29/2016 3:20 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Cake
Skylie13's Avatar
Thanks. I think i fixed it :D
12/29/2016 3:06 am
Level 31 : Artisan Magical Girl
DestructionE's Avatar
Yeah, I expected that ending. Was still funny though.
12/29/2016 3:11 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Cake
Skylie13's Avatar
Well, it's even more expected if you know me :D
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