Minecraft Blogs / Interview

skin maker requests

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WarGod22's Avatar WarGod22
Level 11 : Journeyman Pokemon
sup peepoles WarGod here asking you guys to pm me or say in the blog show your love and give me some skin requests XD. It would be greatly aperaciate the worrk since i am a novice skin maker i have 6 skin avalible for download plz check out imm also maeby put up some desent servers and make a few maps so i will be more active in planet mc so i would really like it if i got at least one person to suport me XD

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07/18/2018 5:42 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
iank144's Avatar
hey, can you make a better version of my skin? also a recolored version. here is my original skin: https://ibb.co/nKCo3d
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