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Lord Alden Ewart's Agency for the Paranormal and Occult

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Elvengarda's Avatar Elvengarda
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
It is the year 1864, the height of the British Empire in a rapidly advancing world. Yet where most sciences are progressing into serious studies, one stands awkwardly still into the clutched grasp of Church and Zealots alike: the field of paralogical sciences. In his attempt to try and gain on the evils of the world through fieldwork and rationality, the young Viscount of Gravesend, Lord Alden V. Ewart has been caught in bureaucracy and superstition.
Left excommunicated and thwarted in all his attempts to put his hypotheses to the test, there is little but himself to rely on as he tries to pry away the supernatural from those stuck in the middle ages. Well... himself, and Ross, an unfortunate bystander swept up in things of which nobody truly knows the nature...

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Lord Alden Ewart's Agency for the Paranormal and Occult

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Elvengarda 01/27/2018 6:21:22 pmJan 27th, 2018

Chapter 3 is now out!

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