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Signcraft universe timeline

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Death Order's Avatar Death Order
Level 42 : Master Architect
Here is a timeline of the Signcraft universe, it'll be updated once in a while...

1953: USS Columbus launch

1954: USS America and USS Atlantic launch, USS Columbus enters service

1955: USS America and USS Atlantic enter service, launch of USS California

1956: Launch of RNS Moscow, USS California enters service

1957: RNS Moscow enters service

1960: Sinking of USS Atlantic

1961: Launch of USS Revenge

1962: USS Revenge enters service, launch of HMS Washington

1963: HMS Washington enters service, launch of USS Courage and USS Ruthless, The other Revenge class sisters are cancelled

1964: USS Courage and USS Ruthless enter service

1965: Launch of USS Lincoln

1966: Sinking of RNS Moscow, USS Lincoln enters service

1967: Launch of USS Attacker

1968: USS Attacker enters service, sinking of USS Columbus, battle of Tongi takes place

1970: Launch of USS Defender

1971: USS Defender enters service

1972: Launch of USS Pride

1973: USS Pride enters service

1983: HMS Washington gets scrapped

1984: USS Ruthless gets scrapped

1987: USS Courage gets scrapped

1995: USS California gets scrapped

1999: Launch of MS Walrus

2000: MS Walrus enters service

2018: The MS Walrus goes on an expedition to Sahamu island, an island that was discovered in 2016, the expedition goes wrong, most of the tourists get killed by undiscovered creatures, USS Defender gets scrapped

2019: Some millions of light years away, an alien spaceship goes on a mission to discover new life

2024: A vault in California is being built

2035: World war 3 starts, the whole west of America is nuked to bits, No one wins and both sides agree to make peace and clean up the mess, after several places have been destroyed

2040: WW3 ends

2500: The aliens from 2019 arrive on Earth, by this time the damage from ww3 has been fixed years ago, the aliens forgot to bring other ships in case the humans want war, they leave to Yba-89b and continue research

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