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Sickness... It Sucks!

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Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar Eli the Zeratoed
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Hello It's Eli again! And finally! It's another Blog! But wait, is this a cash-in on the Depressing Story Trend? Aw Heeeck No! I am actually sick! I'm not sure what kind of Sickness I have, but It's a pain in the butt. And no, this isn't a "Halp me with an Issue!" Blog, it's an actual story, and you get to hear me Philosophize about it! Unfortunately, this Blog is quite a Short one, so I apologize for that. So lets get to I- *cough*! Ugh...
Sickness... It Sucks!
So today after the dreaded school, while I was monitoring Planet Derp (My Server), I was hit by something. Something so strange that it made me feel weird. No this isn't a Peridot Transformation Sequence, I Wish, but I was hit with a Sore Throat.
Sickness... It Sucks!
This sore throat was a small (or smol :3) one, so I didn't think I needed Meds, and even though I had a runny/stuffy nose, so I ignored it.
Sickness... It Sucks!
It got worse as time went by, so I decided to look on some medical site with all the diseases. I thought "Hey, This is one of those Generic Seasonal Pollen Allergy Drainages again!", so I drank some crisp water and thought it would cure itself.

A few hours later when I was drawing a new thing for my Art Blog, I got cold. "It's not that cold inside, so why am I getting chilly?" I said to myself while doodling Fudgie The Whale from Carvel. I almost felt like those Cavemen stuck inside one of those Ice Blocks for thousands of years. I grabbed my Blanket and continued my work. I felt surprisingly warmer from it, so I kept it on while Typing. My hands got frigid while typing, so I asked my Admin/Co-Owner how to cure it. He said go grab a stool and get some hot chocolate, since he assumed I was in bed. I wasn't, and I was on a chair with a Blanket and I hate Hot Chocolate (Please don't splash at me Magikarps of the Interwebs!).

I kept moving forward, and soon I had to take a Stupid Shower. I hated it, but it's good for my Hygiene, so I did it. I turned on the warm water in relief and did my thing. Suddenly, when I got out of the shower, I couldn't stand up. I felt so chilly that I huddled myself in a ball with the Towel on.

When I tried to grab my clothes, I couldn't get there since I was so lazy, so I decided to "Be Peridot" and take baby steps to get them. I almost felt like giving up from the frozen feeling, but I kept moving forward. I said to myself "No. I want to go to school (11th Grade for me is fun by the way)! I want to move forward! I want my rest! Carpe Diem!!" I blurted out to myself. So I put my health aside and pushed myself forward.

When I got to my room after I took the Medicine, I surprisingly felt less chilly, less stuffy, but I still had a Sore Throat. And so, here I am, risking my life to write this blog!

"But wait! That's just a Story! This should belong in the Story Section of the Blogs!" Oh Contraire my smart-donkey, I have something to Philosophize to you! Why the heck do we even get sick? You know what, lets get even broader... Why do all Organisms on Planet Earth get Sick? Yes, I'm even talking about your pets Included! Move Over Humans-only Blogs! This blog is also going to the dogs! Uh... Pun not intended?

You see, as we get Older, we get weaker. Yes you football maniacs, you may seem fine now, but wait until you're older and you increase your chances of Concussions and crap! But as we get older, we catch a lot of bugs, really tiny bugs, called Bacteria and Viruses. And those Yokai Watch Fans, a Yokai named Agon is known to cause "Disc Slipped Backs" and it's more susceptible as you get older.

Now it doesn't matter if you get old too, because even babies get sick! Does that disprove that? Well, kinda. Everybody gets sick, but the more Human Medications you stuff into your body as you grow (Not all at once you Doofuses, just every 1 to 2 Pills you've taken through your life to cure stuff), the more healthy you are. Babies are given a Plethora of Meds when first born, and that's why you don't get too sick like getting pneumonia.

What about Animals? Well, Animals use Natural Remedies such as eating certain herbs and animals. Some even live forever! Take for instance, Lobsters. These buggers are literally immortal, and the only way they die is if they get eaten by other Organisms (Like us Humans! Yum! ...But not me, I don't eat poor fish, but call me a Hypocrite for eating chicken).

How are Humans going to become (and I quote) "Immortal"? Well, the solution is Morbid, but Some Crazy Scientists are trying to take blood from kids, and put it into an Elder. The results were that he felt young again and barely got sick, but it's still morbid, because kids. Don't try that at home, Doofuses!

But for now, unless the Solution is plausible and not morbid (Even in the Far Distant Future of 2020+), then we still are going to get sick, and there's no judging it! Now if you excuse me, I might as well get to bed and go get some rest!


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11/30/2016 7:31 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Soliloquize's Avatar
I hate being sick! It truly sucks! Ugh! I have a few stories about being sick! ^-^ I might post some! :D
Eli the Zeratoed
12/02/2016 1:35 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Yeah, I agree. Being sick is the worst... :T I'd love to hear your stories though! :D
10/05/2016 8:03 pm
Level 40 : Master Nerd
Endure_Slayer's Avatar
I don't like being sick, but I do like watching Hulu on my TV all day...
Eli the Zeratoed
10/05/2016 9:03 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
lol, yeah. Being sick definitely sucks... By the way, I'm feeling a lot better, but the problem is the stupid Mucus... :T I have to spit every 5 seconds so that I don't feel the need to cough (Yeah, I still do that too... :T)

Oh yeah! I'm thinking about doing a blog, but I'm not sure what blog it could be...

PS: Somehow I prefer The Computer better than watching Hulu. Hulu is cool (Plus I fudging love it better than the Overrated Crap that is Netflix), but you gotta pay for a lot of things to "Get the full experience"... :P
10/14/2016 6:21 pm
Level 40 : Master Nerd
Endure_Slayer's Avatar
Yeah, my parents pay for that stuff, and tbh I haven't been using Netflix or Hulu all that recently...
Eli the Zeratoed
10/14/2016 9:23 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Really? Wow. I don't use Netflix or Hulu a lot anymore either... They kinda lost their charm...
10/15/2016 6:54 pm
Level 40 : Master Nerd
Endure_Slayer's Avatar
I usually just use Hulu to watch SU or Adventure Time (I started to get back into it, and it's pretty good actually, unlike some other shows I watched as a kid *cough cough*Johhny Test*cough*)
Eli the Zeratoed
10/16/2016 7:24 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Yeah, Dailymotion is where I go to watch the newest SU because it doesn't have that crap restrictions that YT has. Unless it's a Movie, then yeah. Anywho, I guess I'm not the only one who has a guilty pleasure for Johnny Test... It's a terrible show, don't get me wrong, but fudging Tinymon... I WANT A SCREECHEREEN IN MY POKEMON GAME! >:T That guilty pleasure comment aside, I still think Johnny Test is crap. Too many whip cracks and stuffs... :P

PS: I actually have a few Adventure Time plushies such as LSP and Lady Ranicorn, so you can consider me a decently hardcore Adventure Time Fan... :P
09/29/2016 4:19 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Fish
CHorse's Avatar
Hope ya feel better; not exactly a matching title, but eh. Can't say I know how it feels though.
Eli the Zeratoed
09/29/2016 9:38 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Thanks man, I hope someday I can get better so I can host that awesome Planet Derp Server Party and post more blogs for you guys. It really does suck that a lot of people are going through a sick period, and even though I have a good Immune System, I still got sick anyways, and it sucks really badly! :T (It's considered Fall now, which makes it even worse! ;~;)

Anywho, I'm sick, and since I felt so crappy that I couldn't think, I didn't have time to make a Good Sounding Title. Plus it was almost bedtime when I made this Blog, lols.
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