Minecraft Blogs / Review

Server Reviews: HalcyonCraft

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destorybuild214's Avatar destorybuild214
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Here is my first blog(This is destorybuild214 btw). I will do server reviews and mini game reviews. This is a server review. It is about Halcyon craft. It is a nice server with a neat spawn and requiered texture pack(You can get the texture pack from my account). The staff are really cool and kind. Gameplay is fun. The server also has mini games like Quakecraft and Mob Arena. Applying for staff is closed for now. That's All C Ya. The IP is:
If you like the server also donate. The ser ver will be shutting down August 18th. The total we need is about $40-$50 dollars. There are some pretty cool ranks for donators!

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08/03/2013 10:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
CraftGods64's Avatar
Cool Server
Planet Minecraft


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