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Server Review: Lichcraft 1.12.2

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flatrock's Avatar flatrock
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
The server hub has a beautiful variety of places to explore. Factions and Creative are the server choices. I chose factions. The spawn has a gambling bar, a market, and entry to a pvp arena. There is also an enderchest for storing valuables before heading into pvp or out into the wilderness. To teleport to a random location in the wild, you can either tap a random teleport sign or enter one of the random teleport pools at spawn. There is also a mob killing area in the spawn where you can get some food or drops battling mobs.

Some of the plug-ins on this server are MCMMO, jobs, and there is a dailyreward feature. The more days in a row you log in and play, the better the daily reward gets. I was able to get a mystery chest key and win a cave spider spawner. I enjoy earning mcmmo and there seem to be plenty of mobs, both friendly and unfriendly.

The world is large and there are plenty of places to build. There are also abandoned builds you can ‘recycle for your own use.

The main drawback of this server is the low number of players so it is harder to get a good faction war going. If you bring a group of friends you can get some action going challenging each other .

I didn’t spend as much time in Creative, but the plots are large. It uses plotme . There are a lot of unclaimed plots and you can either find one you like, or have the server assign you the next available plot.

I enjoyed this server and give it ********* (nine stars)

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TheGamingPro 3000
01/26/2018 1:19 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
TheGamingPro 3000's Avatar
Hard to get a good faction war started? Everyone hates me for complaining about being treated unfairly for being a smaller faction!
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