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Savitar's Reign (The Flash Season 3)

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SpideyBoi's Avatar SpideyBoi
Level 24 : Expert Spider Rider
This is the story of Savitar's reign. WARNING! MAY CONTAIN BRUTAL DESCRIPTIONS
Some say those who look into Mount Flash may see the suit of Savitar if they are worthy of challenging him.
Dear Journal,

Today I'm going to attempt to climb Mount Flash to see if I'd be worthy of challenging Savitar. If I'm unable to spot his suit, then I'm not worthy. I hope I can even climb Mount Flash, since it's so tall.

Ace stopped. "Should I do this?" Dad barged in "Ace, get ready for the trip. You've been waiting a while for this, right?" He stopped. He was a bit scared, but he still wanted to climb Mount Flash. "Yes, I've always been waiting!" he said. "Great!" replied Dad. "Hope you're ready soon, and I'll see you when you're ready, kiddo!" Dad said. Ace was all packed and ready to go within a few minutes. "Ready!" he said. "Great, let's go!" Ace got into the car, and buckled up his seatbelt. In the meantime, he opened his current journal entry and wrote.
Dear Journal,

Today I'm going to attempt to climb Mount Flash to see if I'd be worthy of challenging Savitar. If I'm unable to spot his suit, then I'm not worthy. I hope I can even climb Mount Flash, since it's so tall. I'm in the car at the moment, raising my head occasionally
to view the famed landmark.
He put down his journal. He had arrived at Mount Flash! "We're here! Yes!" Dad had to calm him down a lot to keep him from leaping out too early. Dad opened the door finally. Ace knew this meant he could get out of the car. After a long hike, sightseeing and encountering mountain animals, Ace finally reached the Big Black Spot, the deep crater at the top of Mount Flash. He looked down, and, to his surprise, saw half of Savitar's suit. It appeared to move, though, which shocked Ace. Suddenly, he heard his dad scream in pain, then a chain reaction happened, one scream after another. When one scream stopped, another would just begin. He turned around, and saw a white streak which looked like a blur slaughter one person after another in just seconds. He ran into the crater with his equipment, and hid inside his sleeping bag using some rope and nails to keep it pinned to the wall. When the blur reached him, it didn't notice him. It just disappeared into thin air. Ace was terrified. He didn't want to write in his journal because he feared the white blur would hear his pen click. After a few hours, the white blur went back deep into the crater.

After the killing the white blur did, people either refused to believe it existed or they didn't want to think it existed. Those who did believe it was real call it the "Deathly Blur", and made a myth; 'The Deathly Blur only appears at first moon, when the night sky is clear and good for killing under'. Of course, it's just a myth, right...?
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