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Save the Creepers!

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DoctahDiamonds07's Avatar DoctahDiamonds07
Level 8 : Apprentice Network
First of all, my friend who wishes to remain anonymous, created a video and put it on YouTube called,"The story of a Creeper."[Trailer]. There is a link at the bottom. Firstly, I want to know why everyone hates creepers! Yes, they blow you up and yes, the chase you, but think about it from a creeper's point of view. What if the player was a creeper and the mobs were players? How would you feel everytime a player came up he just killed you? That's why I'm starting the "Save the Creepers" revolution! Leave a diamond and subscribe! ;) The film is called The story of a creeper [trailer]. Have fun!
CreditMatrix Films

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11/03/2014 1:59 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Network
DoctahDiamonds07's Avatar
Personaly, I have always loved creepers. Watched the vid?
10/30/2014 8:07 pm
Level 26 : Expert Unicorn
lulubelle7's Avatar
Great blog. But why creepers? I'm spider friendly, and have nothing against creepers. Unless they're in my house. I'm also endermen friendly.
10/30/2014 4:30 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Network
DoctahDiamonds07's Avatar
Sorry, no link, but I think you guys will like the vid!
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