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Sakura's Asks

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Sakura-Chan_Is_Here's Avatar Sakura-Chan_Is_Here
Level 1 : New Miner
Hiya! ^-^ I'm Sakura... Well... You can just call me Saki! Here, you can ask me questions and other things! I'd be glad to play minecraft with you if you asked!

I do not answer personal questions such as:
Real name;
Hometown, City,
Asks for phone number.

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10/03/2016 1:47 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
Ryndon's Avatar
Another question: What do you think was the most important day or event in history?
Also: Which country are you from?
10/04/2016 7:54 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Sakura-Chan_Is_Here's Avatar
The most important day in history... In my opinion, the renaissance was the most important.
Oh, and I'm from Canada. Bloody cold, it is! We're supposed to get snow this week!
09/28/2016 8:37 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Sakura-Chan_Is_Here's Avatar
Hiya! Welcome to the Ask Box! Feel free to ask me ANYTHING! And don't forget to read my desc!
09/29/2016 2:44 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
Ryndon's Avatar
Why are you doing this? (serious question)
And what kind of questions are you waiting for? Philosophical or Minecraft related or something completely different?
In the case of Philosophical (if not than disregard this question): what do you think of a robot uprising? Is it plausible?
09/29/2016 8:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Sakura-Chan_Is_Here's Avatar
Question one: (The serious one)
I personally enjoy blogging and hearing what others have to say and ask. I've been playing mc for a LONGGG time and I enjoy talking to others such as yourself(for example)

Question two:
Really, I don't mind answering both type of questions.

Question three:
Okay. First of all. I'm not very used to these type of questions, so keep in mind that it might sound dumb.
A Robotic Uprising... I do think it's plausible, due to the fact that in this era, modern technology is advancing. Fast. Japan is already making walking, talking robots. You never know when they're going to make it so these robots have minds of their own. Yet, Japan can't be that stupid to make robots with minds of their own. Therefore, There is a chance that it will most likely not happen.

I hope I answered your questions! Feel free to ask more if you'd like!

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