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[S:1 C:9] Smoke, problems and machines

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Ender Sparkle's Avatar Ender Sparkle
Level 43 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
Season 1: The Time Machine
Chapter 9: Smoke, problems and machines

The timeline shifts more and more, as both E.S. and W.K. time-travel more frequently. Dolon was just one of major cities, but now, even in the past (not so ancient, because in a period similar to industrial age) it seems like a capital of the globe. Thanks to the events at the Dutal mansion, everywhere now walk Snorons - Iron Golems with polished granite and hydrotechnic enhancements with engravings resembling a pumpkin, and Irnows - Snow Golems enhancing themselves with wool, iron and diorite. Ender Sparkle starts noticing the effect of time manipulation - everything that happens in the past affects the future. She enters the city and heads to the first tavern (yes, they somehow managed to survive for this long) in her eyesight, because every adventurer knows that taverns, inns and other stuff like this is a great source of quests and gossips. She enters the building and sits in a typical adventurer spot. The tavernkeep seems to be an Irnow with a fedora and purple diodes instead of blue ones. He starts the conversation:

- (Tavernkeep) Whadya wando order?

- I don't really drink. Came for gossips and news.

- (Tavernkeep) Ah, thypicel adventurer. Somthin' specific or just gossips in generel?

- Hmmm, was there a black skeleton wearing a crown and some jewelry around?

- (Tavernkeep) No, we see a lot of angry bones around our Dolon, but they're all white and with bows. Even some of the Snorons wonder how would a fight with a withered skeleton look like.

- (Did I mess up and time traveled to wrong time period? No, the radar showed me there is a vehicle identical to mine in 10 kiloblock radius.) Aand are there any gossips that everyone except me knows about?

- (Tavernkeep) Yeah, there is an InvenCon in 2 days.

- A what?

- (Tavernkeep) Heh, prolly new here. Annual convention of inventions. This year, Wott and Montumen are fighting for the first place. They got so much votes that these two are only valid options. You should consider picking a side.

- On it! - said Ender Sparkle and rushed towards the hill outside of the city, where was the InvenCon.

And the preparations for the competition were no joke. Two inventions were so good that everyone else resigned. On the west side of the hill, there was black haired Wott with a machine that looked like a steam engine. On the east side, there was Montumen with his iconic green goggles. Both sides were arguing.

- (Wott) My new thype of steam enginne will revolutionize the worrld! It reuses the steam it produces!

- (Montumen) How will you even catch it if not with my hot air balloon?

- Good evening, could someone tell me what is happeni-

- (Wott) Look at my perpetuum mobile! We can use it to make longer lasting machines!

- (Montumen) You have wings, right?! You have mastered the ability to soar the skies, why we wouldn't be also able to do that?

- Well, I know some beings that would prefer to be left alone in the skies. And about that other invention, would it even still be a perpetuum mobile if it powers another machine?

- (Wott) Just pick-

- (Montumen) -a side!

- OKAY, okay, give me some time. I'll return tomorrow and tell you guys which one is better.

Actually, Ender Sparkle did not want to think about it. The only thing she wanted for now, aside from the need to sleep, was to find Wither King wherever he was and spoil his evil plans. But tomorrow, in the morning, Wott and Montumen were in same places as on the last evening, but angry, and had their inventions destroyed.

- Good morni- WHAT HAPPENED?!

- (Wott) My invention got destroyed! I bet that damn Montumen did this!

- (Montumen) Whott? No, I didn't do this! Well, I wouuld be able to do that, but I'd bet that you did this to my creation!

- (Wott) How dare you assume something like this?! Anyway, both are smoking, dragons can breathe fire, so maybe *points at Ender Sparkle* this lady did that?

- What? No! Why would I even do that?! I know how my fire smells like, and I know that smoke did not come from me. It would smell like making you feel like you are going to be forcefully misplaced. At least that's the description I heard last time I had an ignuenza*.

- (Montumen) I have to agree with you this once, Wott. We have seen that big vehicle that you arrived with. You did this so you would automatically win the InvenCon contest, didn't you?

- Actually, I never wanted to participate in InvenCon at all. In fact, I'm only searching for a specific skeleton. Black as tar, has a gold crown, and stinks of death.

- (Montumen) Hmm... Never seen a single one like that. But really, this smoke makes me feel sick. Really sick.

- (Wait a minute, this seems familiar... I'll ask a bit more, so I can be sure.) Sick? How exactly sick do you feel while smelling this?

- (Montumen) Deadly sick. Like flames and smoke devours my skin, insides, and maybe even the skeleton. Even when it doesn't wither out, it still would be stained by all the smoke and ashes.

- That's exactly how that troublemaker I'm looking for smells like! Any more places where this smell comes from?

- (Wott) There are faint traces of what looks like footsteps, over here. They head to the cave that was always inhabited by spiders. Always most of it was covered in cobwebs. I just noticed that they're... Gone. Is it good?

- Depends who would enter that cave. But from what dots I managed to connect in my head, it's bad. I fear the ideas that could be born inside that skull.

And Ender Sparkle went to the spider cave. She has been in it once, in the time period she called present. It was, or rather, will be, much more infested. Maybe these times were beginnings of local spider colonization. Or maybe the arachnids were here for even longer, just most of them were slaughtered last night. Even if there were any spotted out by a draconic eye, none of them were eager to attack. Their eyes showed fear and desperate need to seek a refuge. Maybe they were friendly because they knew the law of nature old as time that anything Ender hates anything Wither and vice versa. Maybe they wanted to warn her by horrified looks, that a monster is hiding in the deepest hollows of the cave. E.S. wanted to hug them, maybe even all, one at a time, but she knew that first the job needs to be done. After a short while, Ender noticed what was wrong: she saw a blue eye-like glow. And then, 8 another, bigger ones.

- Ckcklakkahahaha! You do not give up that easily, do you? Well, I got a surprise for you! While you were talking with these fancypants, I stole the Time Essences from this time period and one of 10 years from now. I used them to power up my newest invention: The Arachminator! And yes, I also destroyed the inventions to fool these humans that would accuse you. Behold!

- ...What? Also, you know that you made it easier for me because I know now where are the Essences?

- Villains always tell the hero they captured their evil plan so before they die, they at least will know how.

- And yet, heroes always win. Think about it. Be a better person.

- And what? Maybe even stop spreading the Wither disease? Ckla-kha-kha, prepare for thy end.

That giant mechanoid spider, called The Arachminator, was 3 blocks tall and 4 blocks long. It could easily defeat E.S. in a 1v1, so the only option was to run away. Some Dolon guards noticed the scene and decided to help. After a long battle, the winner was announced to be... W.K.. No one knew who was that. Well, except Ender Sparkle, but she was not there anymore. She already took the Time Essences to the Time Machine, managed to track the winner himself, who already time traveled, and went after him.

*Ignuenza - A disease similar to Influenza, but exclusive to dragons. Its additional symtoms are temporary wing paralysis and uncontrolled fire (or whatever the sick dragon can breathe out) spitouts.

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