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[S:1 C:3] Hunters of the other way around

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Ender Sparkle's Avatar Ender Sparkle
Level 43 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
Season 1: The Time Machine
Chapter 3: Hunters of the other way around

stop: Oremin Islands. When Ender Sparkle stepped out of the Time Machine, she realized she landed on a darkforest clearing. Unike you would expect, those dark oak trees weren't as overwhelming as they usually are. Giant, tree-sized mushrooms made this moment even more magical. After like a hour of wandering around, Ender Sparkle heard sudden sound of cracked branches and rustling leaves. And another one. And another. That's weird, especially when you just came from times where you sat in a cell and escaped.

- W-who's there?

- (???) Do not fear me, sacred spirit. - said a strange figure, which turned out to be a human - I am
Hanzō Jiyū, prince of Oremin Empire. You are... not the dragon I expected. I still respect you, because that's what we do. Do you want me to introduce you to our realm?

- Sure... But who did you mean by "the dragon you expect"?

- (Hanzō) I have expected a more serpentine figure. Maybe with some antlers and a mane, perhaps?

- Oh, the eastern cousins. I don't think I magically grant wishes, since I'm from the west, but I'm still happy to not to be accused of worst things just because of gossips and folkore.

- (Hanzō) They hate dragons in the west?!

- In my time and space, people got used to me since I never did anything bad. But yeah, others dislike us.

- (Hanzō) Oh, and I saw something big and gold in the woods. What is it?

- (crap, he found out) It's a Time Machine. Don't ask me what a machine is, I already mess everything up just by being here now. I need to get an essence of this time and space to depart.

- (Hanzō) Okay... Maybe we should look around our little empire to find it?

- I wouldn't mind a history lesson. No offense.

And so, they walked to the imperial palace, which was placed on a steep hill. As they wandered around this beautiful castle, Ender Sparkle noticed something odd. Amongst classic shinies like gold and diamonds, and in the building itself made of dark wood and quartz, there could be spotted a lot of dark prismarine. The entire castle was filled with it. Ender Sparkle was a little curious, a little concerned. What human would hoard such large number of these blocks?

- Hey Hanzō, why isn't the emperor at his palace? And why you have so much dark prismarine?

- (Hanzō) My father is currently hunting guardians with most of the noblemen. It's our tradition. And dark prismarine is our loot and trophy we used while building it's palace. Suprisingly, after we finished building, guardians started to swim out of their ocean monument territories, which is a blessing for us.

- I'm a little... concerned about this. In my times, at least, guardians aren't agressive as long as you don't come near their ocean monument. If separated, they fight only in self-defense, their main goal being to return to their place. Can I take a look at the hunt?

- (Hanzō) Sure, but I can't go. The heir always needs to stay at the castle, becoming an emperor for the hunt time. As dragons are treated with respect here, I'm sure they allow you to view our sport.

Just like Hanzō said, Ender Sparkle was allowed to "join" the hunt. When her boat arrived at the destination, she was shocked. It was like a mix of fishing and a brutal battle. Ender Sparkle was now absolutely sure that this "sport" was dangerous and inappropriate. Way before Time Machine's creation, Ender Sparkle worked for Professor Steve as a lab assistant. One of his researches was about guardian fish. They discovered that Guardians have an intelligence level of a dog, therefore being somewhat sapient. As aggressive as they are towards humans, if they don't hurt the guardian, it focuses more on finding a way back home. When E.S. spotted a wounded guardian, she swam to it, then took a deep breath and dived in, following its trail. There was such a jam here no one would notice E.S., and even if someone did, they would leave her alone because diving after a guardian was pretty much something very stupid yet brave, as this could prove one's strength. But Ender Sparkle had other plans in mind. The wounded guardian led the way, revealing a secret tunnel, leading to a hub maze, that was leading to the main chamber. Vault made of dark prismarine, whole schools of baby guardians, sleeping elder guardians and a giant, jade lung lying on the vault.

- Huh? A lung? In an ocean monument? In the middle of a war?

- (Lung) Ah, good to sense a foreign, yet familiar soul. I know everything everyone here needs: reason of all those shenanigans, why are you here and what will happen next. I would prevent all of this if I wasn't over two millenia old. And answers for these questions are: Guardians becoming braindead and agressive from the Withering, you younglung are here to get essence of this moment to depart, and the empire will regret this fight after they kill me.

- Woah! You are truly a wise dragon! I have so many questions before your time comes; Where is the essence, what is your name, and why haven't I prevented that catastrophe?

- (Lung) Is there any sense in introduction when you're going to be dead next day? You couldn't prevent the catastrophe - and that's okay. We all did mistake in our lives, even I. Some even may lead to actually good things...! And the essence...? That's why my child... brought you here... my last moments... among my children and a familiar visitor. Take this crystal, and go to your machine. And remember: There's a lot of fish in the sea... Fishing is an adventure... You may get good or bad fish, but at the end of the day, you got the experience of fishing. Same goes for your life...

After saying that, all guardians suddenly shut their only eyes. The lung had passed away. Ender Sparkle still felt a little bad, but accepted the bittersweet ending. She will remember the lung's last words. She went to another adventure. After all, there's still plenty of fish in the sea...

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