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We were ruined

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raisa's Avatar raisa
Level 24 : Expert Artist
It was once a great world. ...My mother, she ruled the land, or sea I must say, many years ago. She had traveled from the overworld to start a new life, because of those old idiots who could never get out of their old ways. Only because my mother was a siren, they thought she must perish. Well, it does not matter now. They have must of died by now, since it has been so long. Even I, her daughter, has lost track of time.

...I am the only one who remained after it happened. When the selkies attacked our land, they took our children, ruined our homes, and killed my mother. My beautiful, powerful, mother. I remember all their screams, and it scares me. Why should it scare me? It's been many years since it all has happened. I shouldn't be scared.

The only ones that were left were children and me. Without no one to care, with no one to help all these small children, what was I supposed to do? Just let them die, suffer all alone? It's not like I could do anything either, I was just a spoiled daughter with no regard for others. Our home once was so strong, full of young and powerful people, but now it's just... nothing.

They all fled to other lands, and I so badly want to think that they lived. But in all honesty, they probably didn't. How could children, even if they were sirens, survive with only themselves to rely on? Our home was in far, far away from the overworld, tucked comfortably into one of the darkest parts of the sea. Considering how my mother left, no one would want to find her or her people. We were all but forgotten.

All that is left of this city is ruins. Old treasures that the selkies forgot buried under all the rocks and dirt. If you ever tried looking for someone, you'd never find any. Just piles of bones, stacked upon bones. If you ever tried looking for me, you'd never find me.
Or at least, you would never remember. It's brought me so much--


"Nemesea!" she weeps at my feet. I wish, I wish, I didn't have to do this. I touch her hair gently at first, then tighter. She just continues to cry harder. I jerk my hand upwards, and our eyes meet. I open my mouth, and sing a cacophony. She shivers, just a small bit, then it grows until she's shaking hard. I let her fall. Her eyes close, and slowly she grows cold. So, so cold.


pain... You weren't supposed to see that. I suppose, you too, will lose it as well. Come here.

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12/02/2019 8:18 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
Makaneek's Avatar
Did you do the art? It's gorgeous!
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