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Roleplay Syntax Standard (Beta)

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-ghost-'s Avatar -ghost-
Level 23 : Expert Ranger
The following is a standardization attempt for roleplays. The design is to maintain consistency, clarity, and readability, as well as mitigating the limitations of those involved. Comment thoughts and suggestions below.

Thread Setup

When creating a roleplay thread, the author should thoroughly describe the context of the roleplay. A notice should be included that only mentioned/invited users should comment. If such comments are made, they may be deleted, unless they are asking for information, in which case the information should be added to the thread description.

Syntax Reference
...Bare text is assumed to be dialogue. When playing multiple characters, use a different color for each, or prepend the character's name followed by a colon, at a smaller font size.
[ ... ]Text in brackets is a cue. Cues either describe the setting or indicate character action.
{ ... }Text in braces is feedback. That is, information thought by the character or conveyed to the character in a verbal style (e.g. a suit computer). When a character receives information through normal means, cues should be used.
// ... (or /* ... */)C-style comments. This text has no impact on the story, but is used for communication and clarification among the roleplayers.
>> <mention> [, <mention>]...Enter. Use this when meeting a new character to invite the user playing them into the roleplay. Also use this when encountering a character, to inform their puppeteer that you need them.
-( <mention> [, <mention>]... )-Available. The mentioned users are in the area, and may choose to enter the roleplay if they desire. Different from enter above in that the mentioned users are not required to join.
<< <mention>, [, <mention>]...Exit. Use this when a character leaves the roleplay entirely, e.g. dies.
:: <mention>, [, <mention>]... ::Await. Others should wait for the following users' characters to respond before intervening. If they target users wish to do nothing, they should state so.

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11/01/2023 10:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Miranda34sss's Avatar
There is so much drift boss syntax that I need to learn here
08/31/2023 8:34 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
Arianwyn's Avatar
Nice idea !

I don't get everything with the mention things, but it's nice !
08/30/2023 4:35 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Musician Nerd
SnappNote's Avatar
this is smart
08/30/2023 3:35 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Sweetheart Mountaineer
TheMountaineer's Avatar
👍 I think this is a great idea
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