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Real Soul Magic-Lore Theory

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illager's Avatar illager
Level 58 : Grandmaster Meme Theorist
The nether doesn’t make sense! I am SICK of pretending that the Nether can survive using thermal energy from lava! NO! NO! Lava can’t give eternal amounts of energy!!!

Okay. You read the title of this blog, and while I really wanna make this blog be a Science Theory, I shan’t. This blog is about lore, and it uses science to achieve the lore-ish purposes. I want to know what makes the Nether work, because at the moment, it really, really, does not make any sort of sense!

Before 1.16’s Nether update, the Nether Regions were a bit half-baked (I made 2 jokes in 1 sentence, woo-hoo). They felt like a place for game progression, sure, with players getting blaze rods for the End, but no-one really wanted to live there. Honestly, I feel sorry for Max and Nocholas in the novel The Lost Journals, who had to live there for who knows how long. But ever since 1.16 , the Nether has had fungi, new vegetation, passive striders, bastions, castles and pig anthropomorphs who look like they belong in furry conventions, not in the Nethery Hell (actually, there’s no difference. Both are Hell, both may-or-may-not represent demons).

Ever since that update, I’ve respected the Nether more. It now feels more integrated as a piece of lore, and not just as a gameplay mechanic. The Nether is begging to be dissected for lore! But again, how would the Nether function? The Nether has a roof, and no, I don’t think the Nether is below the Overworld–that theory was outright debunked BY A DEVELOPER! The Nether is a separate plain of existence. It isn’t below the Overworld, and it isn’t really relative to the Overworld at all.

I’ve mentioned it before, but if there’s no energy from the sun, there must be energy elsewhere. Lava is a good suggestion, explaining where the energy is coming from (in this case thermal energy), yet it really doesn’t. This idea only evokes further questions, asking what could possibly be making the lava so hot to be molten and making us ask what keeps it that way? The Nether’s energy can’t be JUST thermal energy, because we know the Piglins live there, and they eat, and I have doubts that they are simply eating lava like cheese…

So where are they getting energy? It has been right under our noses…

Having a roof, however, does mean that there is no star, or sun, giving it light. No light means no photosynthesis, and no photosynthesis means no vegetation… With the exception of fungi…

Both Crimson and Warped fungi exist within the Nether. Fungi does not need light to live, and it even prefers darkness to light when given the chance. That’s why real-life beer and wine must be fermented in the dark, not in light. Fungi doesn’t feed off of sunlight, but instead off of bodies. Fungi is weird. It would be fun to say that real life fungus feeds off of death, as some sort of necrovore, but that isn’t the case. Take a tree, for example. A tree uses photosynthesis to get chlorophyll, and then when that tree dies, the fungus feeds off of it. The fungus isn’t feeding off the death, but instead the nutrients of the dead tree. The fungus needs what the tree can get, but the fungus can’t get the nutrients itself, thus it feeds off of the dead tree before the nutrients go elsewhere. Note that fungi are also able to feed on a tree while it’s still living, slowly sucking its life out…

The fungi are “eating” souls!! They are getting energy off of souls!! Now, in the real world, this isn’t the case, but in Minecraft’s Nether, I can easily see this being true. The souls of dead creatures are being used to feed the fungi of the Nether, and then the soul energy is made into chemical energy, and then, when eaten, they become calories.

I’ve talked about souls before, saying they were energy, and now that I have made this, I hope you understand why. This, combined with the fact that souls can be used in Minecraft Dungeon’s artefacts as a power source. Pretty much, just a more in-depth look at topics from my Previous Blog.

Again, don’t take my word as canon, or fact. I’m just theorising, and, like MatPat or other lorists, know nothing real lore-wise. But I also implore you to make up your own theories, so you can have imagination, and see the Overworld and the Nether through your own eyes, not through the eyes I tell you to in my blogs. Remember, this is all just a theory, A LOOOOOOORE THEORY, thanks for reading. S'ya nexttime!

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