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[READ IF MESSAGING ME] Change in Responsibilities

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Paril's Avatar Paril
Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat Programmer
Just a quick little bloggy update thingy to inform people who might wish to message me for various things. My name gets tossed around a lot, especially as it pertains to things like name changing, mod greenlighting and whatnot - this is just a note to people that my responsibilities on PMC have shifted from public moderation to development.

I will no longer be reading or replying to any PMs that can be tended to by other moderators. If you have issues with submissions, contact a Site Moderator - for everything else, go to a Super Moderator. Only contact me if you find a bug/issue/annoyance with the site.

Thank you for understanding. My time here on PMC has always been devoted to making PMC a better place, and that will never change, but for me to properly focus on my new duties I must be sure I am not distracted by other things.

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